Image enlarged in Picturebox?

Started by MiD-AwE, October 18, 2013, 12:54:00 PM

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Hi all,

I have a wmf file that I deliberately made 312px wide, but when I load it into a PictureBox (the PictureBox is 324px wide) it does not fit.

Can anyone tell me why the image is enlarging without my permission? I have already unchecked the Auto Size option (as in Auto Size False.) If this was not resizing my image, I should have 6px clearance all the way around.

The only thing that I can think of is that the Picture Box depends on a specific dpi.

After some testing, I believe it is resolution dependent @ 90dpi. I rescaled my wmf to 300px wide and it almost fits in the 324px wide Picture Box. (I think that it may still be cutting off 1px or 0.5px)

I think that I'll try a png next to see if I can improve the image quality.