
Started by ScottBolton, December 04, 2015, 01:42:51 PM

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Can't get CurrentSelection, or CurSel, to work:

Code (autolisp) Select
(dcl_Project_Load "D:/opendcl/frames" T)
(dcl-Control-SetCaption frames/Form1/Proceed "ggg")
(dcl-Control-SetCurrentSelection frames/Form1/MAIN-OptionList1 2)
(dcl-Control-GetCurrentSelection frames/Form1/MAIN-OptionList1)
(dcl-Control-SetWidth frames/Form1 330)
(dcl_Form_Show frames/Form1)

Lines 1, 5 and 6 work fine, but 2-4 don't. Am I missing something? The OptionList has the DblClicked and SelChanged events checked.

Fred Tomke

Hi, I'm irritated: did you really write these lines in one go? Then it won't work.
Please have a look at the concept of events. It's not like native DCL!

You will find an example here.

Regards, Fred
Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


Fred, thanks for the speedy, if irritated, reply.

I'm not sure where I'm to look in your example. I have separate c: functions for all the events (#OnClicked, #OnSelChanged, #OnDblClicked) but I thought that I would set form data between the (dcl_Project_Load and (dcl_Form_Show - as lines 1,5,6 work fine. How can I set the second item of an OptionList to be current? (The CurrentSelection is not always going to be 2, it will be variable.)



Ok, so everything between Load and Show should be in an OnInitialize, with the Event checked for the Form.

Code (autolisp) Select
(defun c:frames/Form1#OnInitialize (/)
(dcl-Control-SetCurrentSelection frames/Form1/MAIN-OptionList1 (atoi *FRAMES_sizeA*))
(dcl-Control-SetCurrentSelection frames/Form1/MAIN-OptionList2 (atoi *FRAMES_sheetlength*))
(dcl-Control-SetCurrentSelection frames/Form1/MAIN-OptionList3 (atoi *FRAMES_viewport*))
(dcl-Control-SetCurrentSelection frames/Form1/MAIN-OptionList4 (atoi *FRAMES_titleblock*))
(dcl-Control-SetWidth frames/Form1 330)

(dcl_Project_Load "D:/opendcl/frames" T)
(dcl_Form_Show frames/Form1)

A slow learning curve for me.

Thanks for the (vague) pointer.


Fred Tomke

Hi, I recommend you to start with the tutorial and the sample files coming with OpenDCL installation.
Regards, Fred
Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]