printers and paper sizes

Started by diogenes, February 16, 2016, 08:41:05 AM

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Good afternoon.
I have a question with the styles of combobox. If I have one combobox of printers and other combobox of papers,
When I select a printer from a combobox system, how the combobox of paper sizes for that printer is updated?



The paper and printer combos communicate with each other thanks to some behind-the-scenes magic.


True. But when in a dialogue I have two combobox with two printers and two combobox with two sizes of paper, how do I relate to each paper size is related to your printer?

see image.


The way it is currently implemented, a printer combo always links to the first found paper combo on the same form. In your case, that means both printer combos link to the fist paper combo. I think the algorithm could be improved so that a printer combo links to the fist not yet linked paper combo on the same form. That way the first printer combo links to the first paper combo, the second printer combo to the second paper combo, and so on.


thanks Owen
Another option is to link combos manually.

another question:
Is it possible to set a printer and a paper by default when I start a dialog?