Problem with load project

Started by Emiliano, April 16, 2018, 07:47:40 AM

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I have trouble loading a project that I can not solve.

To reproduce:
1. Open AutoCAD 2019
2. Start the test1 function
3. the palette is loaded correctly
4. Close AutoCAD 2019
5. Open the project in OpenDCL Studio  and save the project without making any changes
6. Perform steps 1 and 2 again: an error appears: NIL value

PS. I used AutoCAD 2019

Can you help me please?


I understood the problem.
After saving to load the project in AutoCAD I have to use

(dcl-Form-Show EmiLISPCA_Form3/FormPrincipale

instead of

(dcl_FORM_SHOW EmiLISPCA_Form_FormPrincipale)

I think it's time to update the names of all the project checks.

I am terrified by this operation :-(