
Function Name c:<CONTROL-NAME>#OnDragnDropFromOther
Syntax   (defun c:<CONTROL-NAME>#OnDragnDropFromOther (DropPoint [as Varies] /)
Return Type Ignored
Applies To Block List, Block View, DWG List, DWG Preview, Graphic Button, Hatch, Label, List Box, List View, Picture Box, Slide View, Text Box, Text Button, Tree

This event is triggered when the user completes a drag and drop operation from another window by dropping onto this control. The DropPoint argument is a 2DPoint in most cases, with several exceptions.

Control Receiving Drop DropPoint Argument
Tree Control with item keys String (key of item at drop point)
Tree Control without item keys Handle (handle of item at drop point)
All other controls 2DPoint (drop point in control client coordinates)