
Function Name c:<CONTROL-NAME>#OnDragnDropToAutoCAD
Syntax   (defun c:<CONTROL-NAME>#OnDragnDropToAutoCAD (DropPoint [as 3DPoint] Viewport [as Integer] /)
Return Type Boolean
Applies To Block List, Block View, DWG List, DWG Preview, Graphic Button, Hatch, Label, List Box, List View, Picture Box, Slide View, Text Button, Tree

This event is triggered when the user completes a drag and drop operation from the control by dropping onto the AutoCAD editor. The DropPoint and Viewport arguments define the AutoCAD viewport number and the viewport coordinates where the drop was made. The return value indicates whether the drop was handled. A non-NIL return value indicates that the drop was handled and processing should stop. A return value of NIL indicates that the drop was not handled and triggers execution of the default handler for the control (if there is one).