
Function Name c:<CONTROL-NAME>#OnGetDayState
Syntax   (defun c:<CONTROL-NAME>#OnGetDayState (StartDate [as Date] MonthCount [as Integer] /)
Return Type List of Bitflags as (Month1DayState Month2DayState ...)
Applies To Calendar

This event is triggered when the calendar control is preparing to display a new calendar month. The purpose of the event is to request information about which days to highlight with a bold font (to show holidays, for example). The StartDate is the beginning month for which day state information is required, and MonthCount is the number of months for which day state information is required.

To set day states for the requested months, return a list of bitflags, one for each month requested. Each bit in the day state value represents one day in the month (bit 0 = day 1, bit 1 = day 2, and so on). If the corresponding bit is set, the day is highlighted with a bold font.