
Function Name c:<CONTROL-NAME>#OnMouseDblClick
Syntax   (defun c:<CONTROL-NAME>#OnMouseDblClick (Button [as Integer] Flags [as Bitflag] X [as Long] Y [as Long] /)
Return Type Ignored
Applies To Block View, Hatch, Picture Box, Slide View

This event is triggered when one of the mouse buttons is double clicked on the control. Button identifies the mouse button that triggered the event. Flags describes the state of the [Shift] and [Ctrl] keys, and the mouse buttons. X and Y specify the control client coordinates where the event occurred.

Button Number Button
1 Left
2 Right
4 Middle

Flags bit Value Meaning
0 1 Left mouse button pressed
1 2 Right mouse button pressed
2 4 [Shift] key pressed
3 8 [Ctrl] key pressed
4 16 Middle mouse button pressed