
Function Name dcl-ComboBox-FindLineWeight
Syntax   (dcl-ComboBox-FindLineWeight <CONTROL> LineWeight [as Integer])
Return Type Long
Applies To Combo Box

This method searches for LineWeight in the AutoCAD lineweights combo box list. The return value is the index (zero based) of the lineweight, or NIL if the lineweight is not in the list. The following table shows lineweight values that are supported in AutoCAD.

Value LineWeight
-2 ByBlock LineWeight
-1 ByLayer LineWeight
0 0.00 mm
5 0.05 mm
9 0.09 mm
13 0.13 mm
15 0.15 mm
18 0.18 mm
20 0.20 mm
25 0.25 mm
30 0.30 mm
35 0.35 mm
40 0.40 mm
50 0.50 mm
53 0.53 mm
60 0.60 mm
70 0.70 mm
80 0.80 mm
90 0.90 mm
100 1.00 mm
106 1.06 mm
120 1.20 mm
140 1.40 mm
158 1.58 mm
200 2.00 mm
211 2.11 mm