
Function Name dcl-PictureBox-DrawWrappedText
Syntax   (dcl-PictureBox-DrawWrappedText <CONTROL> (List of Lists as (StartX [as Long] StartY [as Long] Width [as Long] Color [as Color] {BackgroundColor [as Color]} Text [as String] Justification [as Integer]) ...))
Return Type Boolean (T if successful; otherwise NIL)
Applies To Picture Box

This method paints one or more text paragraphs on the picture box starting at StartX, StartY and at the specified Width. Color is the color of the text, and the optional BackgroundColor argument can specify a background color for the text. Justification specifies the location of the text relative to the start point. All points are specified in client coordinates (in pixels, relative to the upper left corner of the control).

Justification Description
0 Top left
1 Top center
2 Top right