Silent work of DelayedInvoke?

Started by Peter2, March 31, 2014, 02:40:17 AM

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I have  a self-recursive loop, based on Freds suggestion:

Code (autolisp) Select
(defun c:loop_for_jobs ()
    (dcl_DelayedInvoke (* 1000 dwgr_waitseconds) "(c:loop_for_jobs)")

Everything is fine, but every "invoke" returns a
Code (autolisp) Select
Command: (c:loop_for_jobs)
Command: (c:loop_for_jobs)
Command: (c:loop_for_jobs)
Command: (c:loop_for_jobs)
Command: (c:loop_for_jobs)

For a long time loop now I run into a cosmetic problem with a full log-file  ...
Is there a way to run it in a "silent mode", to suppress the message?


ODCL 8.1.... German, AutoCAD 2017 - 2018, Win 7 x64, Win 10

Fred Tomke

Hi, Peter, since dcl_DelayedInvoke invokes a sendCommand you will ever see the command in the history and in the protocol.
I'm not sure if it is possible to use CommandFlags.NoHistory in OpenDCL (@Owen: what's your opinion?).
Regards, Fred
Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


For now there is no way to suppress this from the log if you use (dcl-DelayedInvoke). If you're using OpenDCL 8.0, you may work around the problem by using a timer (i.e. dcl-Form-StartTimer) instead.


Thanks to both of you

at the moment I will stay with version 7. As said above, it is not dramatic, more cosmetic ...
ODCL 8.1.... German, AutoCAD 2017 - 2018, Win 7 x64, Win 10