AutoCAD 2014

Started by Danner, April 03, 2013, 09:41:20 AM

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Hi Owen,

I thought I would get in first with this one.  Apologies for being so quick off the mark after the AutoCAD 2014 release.

I was just wondering if a Runtime Installer will soon be issued that registers Opendcl on to AutoCAD 2014's registry for use in our deployments in  the usual way?

Just asking because I'm presuming no arx recompile is required for this new release of CAD.

Many thanks


As soon as I figure out how to work around the new trusted path feature in 2014, I'll upload the new build. Hopefully this weekend, but I can't be certain.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Thought that would probably be the case.

If you can find a way to do it before AutoCAD is launched (or installing directly into the Autodesk\\ApplicationPlugins folder), I would be most interested. 

Not least because the issue also affects the smooth operation of your lovely Lsploader too.


I've decided that for OpenDCL Runtime, it will add it's own path to TRUSTEDPATHS when it loads. I'll use a different approach for ManuSoft .arx modules, because I think appending paths to TRUSTEDPATHS will eventually create a huge mess.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Thanks Owen,

I'm now thinking the easiest way, is just to install the lspload modules into the ApplicationsPlugins Folder.  Then use the loader's lisp file to silently add my application, odcl runtime or (anything else, as required) to the TRUSTEDPATHS.

What a completely pointless step by Autodesk this is.


any word when this will be ready for 2014?


The current development build includes support for AutoCAD 2014.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


well it doesnt work then
ive installed the current release and its not working for me
are there any special instructions im missing?


Quote from: andrew on May 02, 2013, 07:15:56 AM
well it doesnt work then
ive installed the current release and its not working for me
are there any special instructions im missing?

You need to be more specific than "it doesn't work". Explain what you did, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


what i did
i uninstalled the previous version, as i always do when upgrading versions.
clicked on the .msi file, ODCL studio version
it installed fine.
i launched acad2014 and i get the following on the opening of acad:
; error: no function definition: DCL_PROJECT_LOAD

what i expect to happen:
i install ODCL, launch acad and my programs work.


If you get an error when you launch AutoCAD, then you must have some code running at startup that is attempting to call OpenDCL functions before OpenDCL Runtime is loaded. Please trying entering the OPENDCL command manually after AutoCAD is started to ensure that it loads correctly (it should display status information at the command line when it loads). If it does not load correctly on demand, check the value of your DEMANDLOAD system variable. If OpenDCL does load correctly when you use the OPENDCL command, then you'll need to debug your code to see why it fails at startup.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


my secureload variable was set to 2
so whatever ODCL needs to get passed that variable setting to allow for running, in the secure mode, it isnt successful at doing.


Sorry, I don't understand. Is the OPENDCL command working or not?
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


yes it is now
only because i have set the secureload variable to 0 instead of 2
when this variable is set to 2, it will not let it load.


I recommend to leave SECURELOAD set to 2.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft