BlockList's OnDragnDropToAutoCAD ???

Started by khann, May 28, 2009, 05:12:16 AM

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Hi, everyone.
Now I'm trying to make an ODCL form of preview blocks and Dragndrop one block to AutoCAD.
But the OnDragnDropToAutoCAD of BlockList returns nothing.
It didn't stop at the break point of OnDragnDropToAutoCAD routine and did not show any alert message.
Even the MasterDemo's DragNDrop test is the same.

Would somebody show me the way?

Fred Tomke

I could reproduce that it did no work for me, too.

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


It looks like I commented out some code while testing, and forgot to uncomment it when I was finished. This should be fixed now for Beta 3.


Thanks for your reply.
I can wait until it fixed.
In addition when I click one block item in the BlockList and dragndrop to AutoCAD, just the blockname appears with type of MText at the upper left corner of the AutoCAD screen.
Is this by design? or some kind of bugs?

And Fred already wrote in some other reply, the dragndroped block gone away from the BlockList.
So I reloaded the block file everytime after dragndrop event to prevent this.
How can I make this better?
Help me through, please.


Currently the built-in handling just uses the default behavior defined for all controls. This default handling should be customized for the block list to default to "copy" instead of "move", and to insert the block at the drop point. Please add this as a feature request.

In the meantime, you can override the built-in drag and drop functionality by handling OnDragnDropToAutoCAD and performing your custom operation there.


Thanks owen.
So, what is feature request?
Is that a site of here? where is it?


You can click on the "Wish List" link from the OpenDCl home page. Here is the URL:



It looks like you added bug reports instead of feature requests.


Oh, sorry!.
I wrote about that, but I'm not sure it was at bugreports or feature requests.