TAB jumps some text boxes

Started by Rakesh Rao, September 26, 2021, 12:59:46 AM

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Rakesh Rao

Dear Forum users,

This appears simple but I cannot figure out.

I have a dialog form of several text boxes and pressing the TAB key jumps from one text box to another but all of a sudden, it skips three text boxes and jumps to the fourth one.

What property controls this?

I thought it may be "Is TabStop" but its description talks about focus control and not whther each one is honred by TAB in order.

Can you please help?

Best Regards
Rakesh Rao


IsTabStop must be true, and the tab order is defined by the order of the controls on the form (which you can control by moving them around in the Z order tab).
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft

Rakesh Rao

Hi Owen,

IstabStop is true for all the text boxes.

What/where is "Z order tab"? I cannot seem to find that.

Best Regards
Rakesh Rao


It is identified in the documentation as "Tab Order Pane".
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft