Month Picker

Started by cmwade77, June 23, 2008, 02:57:43 PM

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I am having some problems with the Month Picker, I can't seem to find documentation anywhere on how to return the date that is selected, can anyone help me out?


Have you had a look at the "Intelligent Help" system yet?
Double-click on a control to launch it.

Method GetCurSel as List (Year Month Day)

This method returns the currently selected date.

(Setq rValue (dcl_Month_GetCurSel Untitled_Form1_MonthPicker1))
Barry Ralphs


Just out of curiosity, is this your first time learning\using OpenDCL or ObjectDCL?
I'm asking because I'd like to know how easy new users find it to learn.
Would some training videos be helpful?

P.S. We'll be holding an OpenDCL class at this years AU.
Barry Ralphs


I have done a little bit with ObjectDCL, but this is my first full project in either. Some videos would be very helpful; although, I had figured out the intelligent help was there just before you posted about it, thank you though, although the intelligent help is a little hard to follow.


Quote from: cmwade77 on June 23, 2008, 04:07:24 PM
although the intelligent help is a little hard to follow.

What about it is hard to follow, or is it just a little overwhelming when you first open it?
Barry Ralphs