OpenDCL Localization Project

Started by owenwengerd, February 08, 2008, 03:18:20 PM

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We need volunteers to help create local language versions of OpenDCL!

OpenDCL 5 is at a stage where translation work can begin. I still need to create some materials to help describe the files that need to be translated, and provide some direction about each type of file, but I would like to start now by getting a management structure in place.

If you want to participate, please reply here and let us know which language you'd like to work on. I will appoint one person (local language manager) to be in charge of each language. If you are willing and able to take on the responsibility of managing a local language version of OpenDCL, please mention that as well.

We will add new forums here for each language project. These forums will provide a place for collaborating on translation work as well as local language support, and the local language manager for each language will be in charge of the forums for their language.

The actual translation work will consist of several phases. The first phase for each language will be to translate localizable resources for the OpenDCL Runtime modules. The second phase will be translating property and method descriptions for OpenDCL Studio. The third phase will be translating all other localizable resources used by OpenDCL Studio. The fourth phase will be translating documentation and samples. The last phase will be correcting errors and keeping localized files up to date.

Local language managers will provide translated files to me as they are completed for inclusion in new builds of OpenDCL. Just like work on other parts of OpenDCL, localization will be an ongoing task. The local language manager will need to make corrections, translate new localizable resources as they are added, and update samples, help files, and documentation as they evolve with the project.

Localization is not easy. There is no easy way to simply put all localizable resources into a database, and automate the process of plugging in translated text. This means it will be a bit messy, with many different types of files to work with. Over time, I'm sure we will find better ways of doing things, but at least initially it will be pretty boring work. Nevertheless, it will require nothing more than Notepad, and with all of you helping, it will not be so bad.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft

Fred Tomke

It's time to take part at the project - not only for using but also for developing.
So let me be the local language manager for German language. My Russian knowledge has gone, my Hebrew course has stopped at the end of the first learning disk.

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


Barry Ralphs


I wanna create Simplified Chinese versions. Try my best.
我想创建简体中文版本. 竭尽所能.

Marco Jacinto

I can colaborate with the spanish version./Yo colaboro con la version en espaƱol.



i can help with the spanish translation too,

thank you.
"Me he unido al lado oscuro y se vive mejor"!! :)


That would be great, Carlos! The Spanish translation is barely started, and has not been worked on for a long time. You can visit the localization page at for the needed source files and instructions.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Hi Owen, i'll do my best. There's no dead line for this, right?

"Me he unido al lado oscuro y se vive mejor"!! :)


There is no deadline, but I'll make you a deal: if you finish it by Christmas, I'll double your salary. ;)  Seriously, just make sure you send updated files to me (email them to me at when you reach major milestones or when you want to see the results of your work in the next build.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


wow i'm getting paid!!!  :D, ok i think i can have something by then!

by the way, version 6 will include support for Bricscad, right? i can't wait for the release.

"Me he unido al lado oscuro y se vive mejor"!! :)


OpenDCL already does support Bricscad 9 and 10 as much as possible, but there are still quite a few things that are not implemented in Bricscad. I expect Bricsys to eventually have everything implemented in Bricscad 10, but it won't hurt to let them know that you are waiting.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Hi Owen,

i been working on phase 2 of the spanish translation and i was wondering if anybody else is involve in it. Can i be in charge of it?

"Me he unido al lado oscuro y se vive mejor"!! :)


Barry Ralphs


Barry, when was Marco was last active on here? If it has been a while, I think it's safe to hand the reins to Carlos and just send Marco a message telling him to work with Carlos.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Hi Marco,

are you currently working on the spanish translation? i'm at phase 2 of the proccess.

Please let me know so we can coordinate. :)

"Me he unido al lado oscuro y se vive mejor"!! :)