Event name translation

Started by togores, October 29, 2011, 12:14:03 AM

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Is it wise to "translate" event names in function names?
I mean: OnInitialize becoming "OnInicializar" or OnClicked becoming "OnAccionado"!
Also that's not Spanish, maybe "spanglish" but worse of all, it's CONFUSING!
Specially when the helpfiles are not translated so you will get on your clipboard:

From Events pane:
(defun c:frmRefXCapa_OnInicializar (/)
  (dcl_MessageBox "To Do: code must be added to event handler\r\nc:frmRefXCapa_OnInicializar" "To do")

From the helpfiles:
(defun c:<CONTROL-NAME>_OnInitialize (/)

Both seem to work, but shouldn't your translation efforts be devoted to translating ALL of the IDE captions, messages and helpfiles instead?


As you say, the event names and the documentation should at least be synchronized, but otherwise it is up to the translator whether to leave event names in English.  Our Spanish translation was never completed, so maybe you could complete it.  If you're interested, the source files and brief instructions are available at:
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Maybe i'll take a shot at it... Right now I was updating a tutorial I wrote back in 2002 for Chad's ObjectDCL as part of a book in spanish about Visual LISP.
I have an offer to print an updated version.
I expected to use the OpenDCL localized version in it, but for now I think I'll stick to the english version.
It's a great job you're doing in maintaining this as open source.
I have not used ODCL since those days, so I've been refreshing my memory.
Maybe I'll ask you for some help with it.
Reinaldo Togores,
University of Cantabria, Spain.


Sounds good Reinaldo. If you encounter any problems, please don't hesitate to ask for help.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Probably you don't remember, back in 2002 I asked you for permision to include AcadStatButton and Massprop in the goodies CD that came with the book.


I recognized your name, but I did not remember your book.  I'm glad to hear that you are working on an update; I guess that means the book has been a commercial success.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Well, it was sold out, but It's been a lot of years...
Don't think I'll become wealthy with it. But I enjoy teaching, I´ve done it for many years.

Fred Tomke

Hi, togores, I had this thoughts, too, when translating OpenDCL to German. I decided to leave the event and property names as they are because for the OpenDCL developer it is much easier to find the real names in the API, for instance if you want to add or replace an event name or set a property value at runtime. For that you'll need the original names.

Code (autolisp) Select
(dcl_control_setenabled oControl T)
(dcl_control_setproperty oControl "Clicked" "c:proj_form_control_clicked")


Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]