How triggers in PictureBox These OnDragnDrop Event ?

Started by JTHWAMAN, July 19, 2008, 08:20:10 AM

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How triggers in PictureBox These OnDragnDrop Event ?
Has the model to provide?
Requests to explain, thanks !!

Fred Tomke

Don't know if I understood you right but:

OnDragnDropBegin will be released if you press the left mouse button a bit longer on this control. It is called once until any other DragDrop event will be fired (to compare: OnMouseMove will be released every time an offset of the mouse position or a mouse button pressing will be detected).

OnDragnDropFromControl will be released if the pressed mouse button will be released onto this control after dragging anything from another OpenDCL control to this control.

OnDragnDropFromOther will be released if the pressed mouse button will be released onto this control after dragging objects from the current viewport to the form.

OnDragnDropToAutoCAD will be released if the pressed mouse button will be released onto a viewport after anything from another OpenDCL control.

I'm sure that you meant something different.

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]