Changed control names.

Started by togores, June 21, 2012, 03:51:16 AM

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Reviewing a tutorial written by me some time ago it seems some control names have changed. But maybe I just was carrying over old objectDCL names.
Have there been any recent control name changes?
Best regards,

Fred Tomke

Hi, there's no way to get the recently changed control names.
You can change the event names with the command in the Tools menu in OpenDCL Studio.
You can read out the controls of a form using the dcl_form_getcontrols function.
You can read out the control names by using the dcl_control_getproperty function using the "(Name)" property.

Regards, Fred
Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


Hi Fred, I mean the names appearing in the Studio GUI, in the ToolBox.
For example, I had written MonthCalendar, and it is simply Calendar.
Or ImageComboBox which is now Image Combo. Or TabControl when it is now Tab Strip...


Those name changes were made a long time ago, probably in OpenDCL 5. Note also that the names you list from the GUI are localizable, so they may be different in other languages versions. The names used in the API are not localized, but those may also have been changed (if they were, the old function names still work).


Barry Ralphs