Saveas LSP file size is over 4Mb ???

Started by khann, March 17, 2010, 08:25:46 PM

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I had an ODCL file with some "ControlBar"s and about 40 "Modaless Form"s.
This ODCL file size was 1,658 kb.

Then I copyed  and pasted this file at the same folder.
Open the new one copied ODCL file and deleted all other Forms except only one Form.
As one file of one Form .

By this way,  I made one ODCL file Forms to each individual ODCL file.
When I save this new copied ODCL as LSP file, the LSP size did not downsized.

In my test an ODCL with just have 6 controls of 3 buttons and 3 labels LSP file size is 4,382kb
and has over 28000 lines .
There's only one Form of 6 controls and it has nothing else.

The origin ODCL file size is 1,658 kb and the new copied and modified ODCL file size is 1,561 kb.

What's wrong with this file  ???
Someone know about this?


Have you checked the picture folder? Without seeing the file, that would be my first guess.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Yes, wonderful!!! :D
You just pick the ghosts out.
Thanks for your rapid reply.