grid problem

Started by honkinberry, June 30, 2010, 02:15:31 PM

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I'm having a issue with a Grid, when the cell style is a ComboBox.
After typing a new value into the cell, User must click elsewhere on the grid for the value to register.

In the attached example, enter some text into the cell, then press the button.  Notice that the just-entered value is not recognized.
Yet if you enter text, and then click elsewhere on the grid, then on the button, the value is updated.

I have also noticed peculiarities with KeyUp, SetFocus, and KillFocus events for grids, which may be related.



This problem is now fixed for the next build. I also fixed the problem with column 0 not remembering the changes. Please test the next build and post here if you still notice problems with the other events you mentioned.


Many, many thanks!



Owen, does the grid support multiple row select these days?
That was the main reason I have used the MSFlexgrid as it allowed that, just checking.


Quote from: jmaeding on July 07, 2010, 09:06:51 AM
Owen, does the grid support multiple row select these days?

No, it does not support multiple selection.