Flash content in HTML Control for system with IE x64

Started by mjacak, December 30, 2010, 04:04:43 AM

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Hi All

I try to use HTML control to display flash content. I have got Windows 7 x64 and I have installed IE 8 x64 Edition, other web browsers and IE8 32 bit as well. I figure out that for IE8x64 there is no Adobe Flash Player. I think problem is that HTML control of ODCL uses IEX64 that is a reason why flash object isn't displayed. Is any way to force HTML control  to use IE 32 bit ???



If there is a way, it would not have anything to do with OpenDCL.  Why not just install Flash for IE 8?
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Hi Owen.

The problem is that there is no 64 bit version of flash player for IE x64. As I wrote I have installed IE 8 32bit version and flash player works with this, but when I run ODCL, HTML control behaves as IE 8 x64 and doesn't display flash content.

There is info: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/000/6b3af6c9.html#main_Whynot64bit



Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft
