- Autocad falls when it loses focus in an 'option tab'

Started by new_neo, February 11, 2011, 06:05:33 AM

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2 questions:

1 .- Autocad falls when it loses focus in an 'option tab', let me happens when another application active than autocad

2 .- ¿Is there any way to add toolstip OpenDCL the object of autoCAD?, and that I can not do it directly with AutoCAD.

Thanks excellent product. Greetings from Chile and forgive my bad English (as translated by google)

  - OpenDCL Studio
  - AutoCAD 2008 Run over Windows XP


2 preguntas:

1.- Se me cuelga autocad cuando pierde el focus en un 'option tab', me sucede cuando dejo activa otra aplicacion que no sea autocad

2.- ¿Existe alguna manera con opendcl agregar toolstip a los object de autoCAD, ya que no logro hacerlo directamente con AutoCAD.

Gracias exelente producto. Saludos de Chile y perdonen mi mal ingles (lo traduje por google)


(defun c:Normas_OptionTab_OnShow (Showing /)
(if (dcl_Form_IsActive Normas_FrmMain)
(if sn_LimitePagina (dcl_Control_SetText Normas_OptionTab_TxtRegistrosPagina (rtos sn_LimitePagina 2 0)))

(setq tmp (vl-registry-read "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\....\\SN_NORMAS\\" "AgrupaVista"))
(if tmp (dcl_Control_SetValue Normas_OptionTab_ChkAgrupaVista tmp))

(setq tmp (vl-registry-read "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\...\\SN_NORMAS\\" "TipoTabla"))
(if tmp (dcl_Control_SetCurrentSelection Normas_OptionTab_ListaOpt tmp))

(defun c:Normas_OptionTab_OnOK (/)
(if (dcl_Form_IsActive Normas_FrmMain)
(setq tmp (dcl_Control_GetText Normas_OptionTab_TxtRegistrosPagina))
(vl-registry-write "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\...\\SN_NORMAS\\" "LimitePagina" tmp)
(setq sn_LimitePagina (atoi tmp))

(setq tmp (dcl_Control_GetValue Normas_OptionTab_ChkAgrupaVista))
(vl-registry-write "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\...\\SN_NORMAS\\" "AgrupaVista" tmp)
(if (= 1 tmp)
(setq OnOffAgrupaVista T)
(setq OnOffAgrupaVista nil)

(setq opt_Tipotabla (dcl_Control_GetCurrentSelection Normas_OptionTab_ListaOpt))
(vl-registry-write "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\...\\SN_NORMAS\\" "TipoTabla" opt_Tipotabla)


I'm not sure what you mean by "toolstrip". If you mean toolbar, this can be done as a modeless form, but it's usually better to use the AutoCAD CUI when possible.

Would you be able to attach a small sample .odcl and .lsp file (along with instructions) that demonstrate the options tab problem?
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


I.- Problem AutoFalls

1..- In AutoCAD: Execute new command sn_toolbar
2.-  Write command config --- > go last tab 'Sistema de Normas' ----> go tab 'Dibuja Normas'
3.-  Next Activar other aplication ej, firefox, explorer.. (and AutoCAD crunsh)

pd: send Atach 2 files

II.- ¿Is possible create and attachments  ToolsTip in object AutoCAD, via Opendcl?



This turned out to be a tricky one, but I think I have now fixed the problem for the next build.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft
