Compiling to VLX

Started by ScottBolton, April 23, 2018, 06:23:09 AM

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One thing I notice from the DistSample examples is that the VLX file has the same name as the odcl. Is it possible to have ALL.VLX that contains a compiled DistSample1.odcl and DistSample2.odcl?

If so, how do I modify (_Load_ODCL_Embedded_Project (strcat LOAD_flag ".odcl") nil nil)?

Fred Tomke

Hi, save both projects as different *.odcl.lsp-files to compile them as different resources and load them afterwards using dcl-project-import.
Regards, Fred
Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


Hi, Fred.

So just to clarify, "compile them as different resources" - I have to have a separate VLX for each odcl.lsp file. Is it not possible to compile several odcl.lsp files into one VLX, as we can do with "normal" lsp files?



Fred Tomke

Hello, I still believe, I haven't understand you.
Please have a look at the sample I attached.
This project contains two different projects, loaded at runtime.
Hope that comes closer to your needs.

Regards, Fred
Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


Thanks, Fred. It was the (strcat ".odcl.lsp") that I was missing.