New pc installation and copy .odcl file

Started by mclisp, July 28, 2018, 11:33:27 PM

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Hello to all

I am installing a new computer with Autocad, I have copied all the files lisp and .odcl with the same configuration of the old pc.
I have a problem, on the new pc:
the forms do not work because they change the strings function, example:
Old   pc (defun c: MCTrave1/Form1#Onnitialize   
New pc (defun c: MCTrave1_Form1_Onnitialize
Is there a way to not have to change all the lisp files?

I had already asked this question in 2016
and this was recommended
I ask if there have been any news
Thank you


Do you have the same version of OpenDCL Studio on old and new PC?
ODCL 8.1.... German, AutoCAD 2017 - 2018, Win 7 x64, Win 10


thanks for the question Peter2
Yes, same operating system Window 7, same Autocad 2015, same OpenDCL Studio


So maybe you don't have the same Lisp?

If you have same OS, same ODCL, same AutoCAD and same Lisp - where does the other "defuns" are coming from? The Lsp-files does not change by itself ???
ODCL 8.1.... German, AutoCAD 2017 - 2018, Win 7 x64, Win 10


I wonder why copying files .lip and .odcl from pc to pc. the symbols  "/ #" change?

Old PC  (defun c: MCTrave1 / Form1 # Onnitialize
New PC (defun c: MCTrave1_Form1_Onnitialize
Thank you


So the pure "copy to PC job" changes the files from new version (with / and #) to the old version (with _)??

When files are changed without user-commands then it is

- a virus
- an automated, but forgotten job
- an user-error (confusion of the files)

But I suppose that it is none of the three possibilities ..

Can you create a video which shows all the stuff: the file content before - the copy-action - the file content after
ODCL 8.1.... German, AutoCAD 2017 - 2018, Win 7 x64, Win 10


The only possible explanation that I see is that the new PC is running an older ODCL runtime.
Maybe the OP should check with:
This should work on both computers as the current ODCL runtime still supports function names with '_' AFAIK.


if I type (dcl_GetVersion)
The answer is 8.0 on all two PCs.....

I had already had this inconvenience
2 years ago, I changed all the functions manually.
Now they are some more and it is a big job.

But it does not happen to you?


My experience is that old code works with recent version of the ODCL runtime without any modifications.

I believe the beginners tutorial has not been updated, so you might test this with those files.

Or you can use this code that I have posted in 2013:


Yes, like roy_043
I also use old type codes with new types without any modifications.


sorry if I resume the discussion after a long time
but I was very busy.

@Roy_03 I explained myself badly I apologize.
Files do not replace symbols / and # etc.

Opendcl wants different symbols on the two PCs.

An example of the same function:

On the old PC this works (defun c: MCTrave1_Form1_ComboBox3_OnSelChanged)

On the new PC works this (defun c: MCTrave1/Form1/ComboBox3#OnSelChanged)

I have to replace the symbols _ / #

What can I do to prevent this from happening?


The symptoms in your last post are different from those in your first post. This makes diagnosing the problem difficult. Please post the relevant files (ODCL + LSP).

EDIT: Have you preformed tests with the projects mentioned in reply #9?