Run command with enter key

Started by dsm_dude, March 27, 2024, 05:30:24 AM

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I cant seem to figure out why the enter button gives me this error

Error: NIL value not allowed
Function: dcl-Control-GetText
Argument: 0

Below is my lisp:
(defun c:FINDMS (/ *error*)
  (command "OPENDCL")
  (dcl_Project_Load "FindMS" T)
  (dcl_Form_Show FindMS_Form1)

;; Error Trap
  (defun *error* ( msg )
    (if (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*"))
      (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))

;; Start Dialog box
(defun c:FindMS/Form1#OnInitialize (/)
  (if (not MS#)
    (setq MS# "")
  (if (not uOpt)
    (setq uOpt 1)
  (dcl-Control-SetText FindMS/Form1/TextBox1 MS#)
  (dcl-OptionList-SetCurSel FindMS/Form1/OptionList1 uOpt)

;; OK Button
(defun c:FindMS/Form1/TextButton1#OnClicked (/)
  (setq MS# (dcl-Control-GetText FindMS/Form1/TextBox1)
uOpt (dcl-OptionList-GetCurSel FindMS/Form1/OptionList1)
  (command "_UnisolateObjects")
  (if (tblsearch "Layer" MS#)
    (if (setq SS (ssget "_X" (list (cons 8 MS#))))
(command "Zoom" "_object" SS "")
(alert (strcat "No Objects assigned to " MS#))
      (alert (strcat MS# " Not Found!"))
  (UserOption) ;; Option Button

;; Cancel Button
(defun c:FindMS/Form1/TextButton2#OnClicked (/)
  (dcl_Form_Close FindMS_Form1)

;; Isloate Option
(defun UserOption (/)
    ((= uOpt 0)(command "_IsolateObjects" "P" ""))
    ((= uOpt 1)(command "_UnisolateObjects"))

;; Run command with retrun key
(defun c:FindMS/Form1/TextBox1#OnReturnPressed (/)
  (dcl-sendstring "FindMS/Form1/TextButton1#OnClicked\r")

;; Keep dialog open when pressing return
(defun c:FindMS/Form1#OnCancelClose (Reason /)
  (/= intIsESC 1)


I suppose the error occurs because the sent string does not execute until after the modal dialog is closed. Try this, it might work better:
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft