Form layout in the editor

Started by eptownie1988, April 10, 2009, 07:35:47 PM

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I have found that in order for my dialog box to show properly in AutoCAD I need to arrange my controls on the form in the editor in such a way that all are not visible.  When I save it and load it in AutoCAD the dialog box looks the way I would like it too.  If I arrange the controls in the editor to view the form the way I would like it to be displayed in AutoCAD it displays not showing all of the controls.  Does anyone know what may be causing this to happen? Thank you in advance for any help.


You probably have a saved dialog size that causes the dialog to be resized to the saved settings. The best solution is to design the dialog so that it looks correct at any legal size (you can use the min/max size properties to specify what is allowed). Edit your control properties (via the right-click 'Properties' menu item) so that they are positioned relative to the right or bottom of the form where that is applicable. This will allow them to resize with the dialog in AutoCAD.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


If Owen's suggestions don't work, can you post screen shots of your form in the editor & in Acad.
Barry Ralphs