OnSize and Grid_FillList issue.

Started by Kerry, March 14, 2010, 08:23:40 PM

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I have a modal form with a GridControl.

If the form has the OnSize event ON the GridControl fields are not populating ( except for the first column)

This applies if  either (dcl_Grid_FillList .... OR (dcl_Grid_AddRow ... are used.

I've tried to set a global flag to stop resizing during initializing but have had no sucess.

For the attached, toggle the form OnSize event on to see the problem.


Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


This is now fixed for the next build (which is waiting for the next Bricscad beta to be released).
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Thanks Owen.

I've just arrived at home now, so don't have source, but ..

I also had issues with the
(dcl_Grid_CalcColumnWidth <CONTROL> Label [as String])
(dcl_Grid_SetColumnWidth <CONTROL> Column [as Long] Width [as Long])

The resulting column was about 1/4 as wide as it should have been.

If you need I'll post code  tomorrow.


Any idea on timeframe for the release ?

Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


As I recall, CalcColumnWidth does not account for the cell image or non-standard cell contents. I expect a new Bricscad beta either this week or next.  If it goes too long, I'll try to undo the changes I made and release a new build that supports the current beta.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


There were no images or non-standard content in the cells. I was using the sample posted, trying to achieve a compact dialog.
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


Can you upload a version the demonstrates the problem?
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft



added : on WinXP SP3 AC2010Mechanical

Replace the initialize event code with this :
Code (autolisp) Select

(defun c:Props_Main_OnInitialize (/ )
  ;;| Set the Label TitleText |;
  (dcl_Control_SetCaption Props_Main_Label (car PropsData))
  ;;| Set the Column Header Names |;
  (dcl_Control_SetColumnCaptionList Props_Main_Grid (cadr PropsData))
  (setq GridData  (cadddr PropsData)
        RowCount  (length GridData)
        CellStyle (caddr PropsData)
        RowIndex  0
  (dcl_Control_SetColumnStyleList Props_Main_Grid (List 0 CellStyle))

  (dcl_Grid_FillList Props_Main_Grid GridData)
 (dcl_Control_SetHeight Props_Main (+ 85 (* RowCount 24)) )

  (setq headerWidths (mapcar '(lambda (x) (dcl_Grid_CalcColumnWidth Props_Main_Grid x))
                             (cadr PropsData)
        ;; test various values
        col1          (dcl_Grid_CalcColumnWidth Props_Main_Grid "Column")
        col2          (dcl_Grid_CalcColumnWidth Props_Main_Grid "Value")
        col1x         (dcl_Grid_CalcColumnWidth Props_Main_Grid "TEST567890")
        col2x         (dcl_Grid_CalcColumnWidth Props_Main_Grid "123")
  (dcl_Control_SetColumnWidthList Props_Main_Grid headerWidths)
     (strcat "\nheaderWidths :" (VL-PRIN1-TO-STRING headerWidths)))

The values returned are
headerWidths :(35 27)
and the col1 cells don't populate.
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


The CalcColumnWidth function is intended for use with cells within the grid, not the header cells as you're assuming in the sample code. Since the header cells use a larger font, I don't know whether you can reliably scale for those. When used for the normal grid content, it looks like you need to add at least 1 pixel to account for the column divider.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Sorry, I don't understand your response.

Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


Your first column is a header column, so the header cell layout causes the calculated width to be incorrect. You can cheat by adding and/or multiplying the calclated width by some factor. That may or may not be reliable. I did a quick test, and the second column works fine at a width of (+ 1 (dcl_Grid_CalcColumnWidth Props_Main_Grid "First Value")).
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


I needed to double the value returned from the dcl_Grid_CalcColumnWidth to make the text visible for both columns.

I tried to double click on the header divider to change the column width ... works fine

Then I changed the okClicked event function to
Code (autolisp) Select

(defun c:Props_Main_ok_OnClicked (/)
   (prompt (strcat "\nNew headerWidths :"
                   (VL-PRIN1-TO-STRING (dcl_Control_GetColumnWidthList Props_Main_Grid))

but it appears to only return the initial column width ... it does not report the changes.

Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


I also moved the cell population code to the end of the OnInitialize Function
Code (autolisp) Select

(defun c:Props_Main_OnInitialize (/)
  ;;| Set the Label TitleText |;
  (dcl_Control_SetCaption Props_Main_Label (car PropsData))
  (setq GridData  (cadddr PropsData)
        RowCount  (length GridData)
        CellStyle (caddr PropsData)
        RowIndex  0
  (dcl_Control_SetColumnStyleList Props_Main_Grid (List 0 CellStyle))
  (dcl_Control_SetHeight Props_Main (+ 85 (* RowCount 24)))
  (setq headerWidths (mapcar '(lambda (x) (dcl_Grid_CalcColumnWidth Props_Main_Grid x))
                             (cadr PropsData)
  (dcl_Control_SetColumnWidthList Props_Main_Grid (list 70 54))      ;headerWidths)
  ;;  (dcl_Control_SetWidth Props_Main (+ 70 54 25))
  ;;| Set the Column Header Names |;
  (dcl_Control_SetColumnCaptionList Props_Main_Grid (cadr PropsData))
  (dcl_Grid_FillList Props_Main_Grid GridData)
  ;; (prompt (strcat "\nheaderWidths :" (VL-PRIN1-TO-STRING headerWidths)))
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp