
Started by Danner, March 15, 2010, 07:26:10 AM

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On testing the ODCL Blockview sample in Bricscad - I get a "BRX Function not implemented yet" message, yet the blockview subsequently correctly displays the block.   

Just wondering (hoping) whether the message itself is a glitch and that the blockview function is actually implemented in Bricscad afterall?

Apologies, if this should be queried with Brics.

Many thanks


Bricsys has been working on implementing these functions, but it wouldn't hurt to post a bug report here with specific details of the Bricscad version you're using and the function names that trigger the message so that we can keep track of their progress.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Hi Owen,

I posted the BlockView bug as suggested. 

Is there any point in me posting as a bug any other functions, still await porting.  For instance Bricscad told me that Dockable forms would probably be ported by end of 2009.

I am a massive fan of both OpenDCL and Bricscad.  Just ..erm.. in my ideal world (and I realise its not an ideal world.) I wouldn't mind seeing the porting process chivvied along a bit.


They have been working on dockable forms as of late, so I expect the next beta to make some progress on that front.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft