Colors combobox truecolor support

Started by honkinberry, November 19, 2021, 01:58:17 PM

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With a combobox set to style 4 for Colors, it has a less than desirable truecolor support.
One has to click on Windows, and go through that ancient Windows Custom Color dialog, which is just very foreign to a CAD user.
Over in a Grid control, the Truecolor cell style goes right to the CAD truecolor selection, which is great.

For a Combobox set to Color, I'd prefer if the "Select Color..." option went to (acad_truecologdlg x) instead of (acad_colordlg x).
Hopefully that's easy and quick!

Have a great weekend and Thanksgiving!



We really need Truecolor support for the Combobox.
I'd really like to avoid what looks like the only alternative - engineering a replacement for a Combobox, with some sort of Grid that pops down, so that we can display the colors.

Is there any chance the 'Select Color...' option from a Style 4 Combobox can display the standard Truecolor selection?  And further, then display and return truecolors?  Currently, if one does use the archaic Windows Custom Color interface to select a truecolor, the Combobox just displays the nearest indexed color.

Is there anything I can do to assist with this?



You can make a custom color combo with your own "Select color..." item that opens the true color dialog.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


That would totally work!  How would I go about doing that?
I'm guessing I would fire DeleteItem for the last two, and add my own Select Color at the end?



Yes, exactly. Then handle the Selected event. I'm not sure it will work with the color combo style, but it's worth a try. If it doesn't work with the color combo style, a plain combo style will work for sure.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Well, unfortunately it doesn't work.
And a plain combobox completely defeats the purpose, as the colors are not visible.
I'll just use a Picturebox and a Label.

Anyway, thanks for chiming in.
Have a super day!
