OnCancel in FileDialog

Started by Fred Tomke, June 09, 2009, 05:27:53 AM

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Fred Tomke


does anybody have experiences how to get notified by pressing Cancel-key in FileDialogs?

If the user selects a file, the (XML) file content will be read out and then listed in the grid below (just like having layers and its properties in a file). The user can select the objects to import and he has to rename if objects with the same name already exists in the current drawing.

Doubleclicking such a file will only work if none of the objects in the XML file already exists in the current drawing. That's why I check it before. But unfortunately pressing Cancel key returns the same value to the form's CancelClose event like doubleclick.

How can I decide whether the form is going to be closed by
- On pressing Ok
- On pressing Cancel
- On doubleclicking a (wrong or correct) file?

Does anybody have an idea?

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


This should now be fixed for Beta 6.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft

Fred Tomke

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]