[Resolved] [] Testers required.

Started by Kerry, November 11, 2009, 02:15:00 AM

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Quote from: owenwengerd on November 12, 2009, 12:53:19 PM
There is definitely a problem, but I'm not sure what the solution is.  For Alpha 13, I'll try making a few small changes to see if anything changes.

In for me, the problem persists.
.. for both samples posted.

Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


I don't know if this will help or not ...

The SlideControl MouseDown Event does not show buttons ( same as previous demo)
.. also does not add Text to textBox.

The  SlideControl FillImage is not contained in Slide Control .. spills over into form.

When the Piccy is selected when the current focus is on the SlideControl it takes 2 selections in the PiccyControl for the MouseDown event to be trapped.

Attached is a mini-Battleship Demo :)


ps. Can we have a few people test this and report ..please.
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


The Video is set to run once. Refresh ( F5 ) the page to view again.
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


The LSP Source

Code (autolisp) Select

(command "OPENDCL")

;; Test Code 
;; 20091117 kdub@home

(defun c:doit () (c:test_1113B))


;;; (findfile "Test_1113B.ODCL")
(defun c:test_1113B (/ dialogreturn)
  (dcl_project_load "Test_1113B.ODCL" t)
  ;; Show the main form 
  (setq dialogreturn (dcl_form_show test_1113B_main))
(defun _ManageSlideView (button flags x y / Sector)
  ;; Slide control is set at 120x120
  (dcl_Control_SetText test_1113B_Main_XLocation (itoa X))
  (dcl_Control_SetText test_1113B_Main_YLocation (itoa Y))
  ;;Determine Sector
  ;; assume divisions 3 wide, 2 divisions high
  (cond ((< Y 60)                            ; The top half
         (cond ((< X 40) (setq Sector 1))
               ((< X 90) (setq Sector 2))
               (T (setq Sector 3))
        (T                                   ; Bottom Half
         (cond ((< X 40) (setq Sector 11))
               ((< X 80) (setq Sector 12))
               (T (setq Sector 13))
  (dcl_Control_SetText test_1113B_Main_SectorText
                       (strcat "SlideSector " (itoa Sector))
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbutton2 t)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbox2 t)
  (dcl_slideview_fillimage test_1113B_main_slideview1
                           (list (list (- x 5) (- y 10) 10 20 3))
  (dcl_slideview_endimage test_1113B_main_slideview1)
(defun _ManagePiccy (button flags x y / Sector)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbutton1 t)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbox1 t)
  (dcl_picturebox_drawcircle test_1113B_main_picturebox1
                             (list (list (- x 15) (- y 15) 30 30 3))
  (dcl_PictureBox_StoreImage test_1113B_Main_PictureBox1)
  ;; Piccy control is set at 120x120
  (dcl_Control_SetText test_1113B_Main_XLocation (itoa X))
  (dcl_Control_SetText test_1113B_Main_YLocation (itoa Y))
  ;;Determine Sector
  ;; assume divisions 3 wide, 2 divisions high
  (cond ((< Y 60)                            ; The top half
         (cond ((< X 40) (setq Sector 1))
               ((< X 90) (setq Sector 2))
               (T (setq Sector 3))
        (T                                   ; Bottom Half
         (cond ((< X 40) (setq Sector 11))
               ((< X 80) (setq Sector 12))
               (T (setq Sector 13))
  (dcl_Control_SetText test_1113B_Main_SectorText
                       (strcat "PiccySector " (itoa Sector))
;|<<OPENDCL Handlers Event>>|;

(defun c:test_1113B_main_oninitialize (/)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbutton1 nil)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbox1 nil)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbutton2 nil)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbox2 nil)
  (dcl_control_setbackcolor test_1113B_main_picturebox1 8)
(defun c:test_1113B_main_picturebox1_onmousedown (button flags x y /)
  (_ManagePiccy button flags x y)
(defun c:test_1113B_main_slideview1_onmousedown (button flags x y /)
  (_ManageSlideView button flags x y)
(defun c:test_1113B_Main_BtnReset_OnClicked (/)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbutton1 nil)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbox1 nil)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbutton2 nil)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbox2 nil)
  (dcl_PictureBox_Clear test_1113B_Main_PictureBox1)
  (dcl_SlideView_Clear test_1113B_Main_SlideView1)
  (dcl_Control_SetText test_1113B_Main_SectorText "")
  (dcl_Control_SetText test_1113B_Main_XLocation "")
  (dcl_Control_SetText test_1113B_Main_YLocation "")
(defun c:test_1113B_Main_ShowButtons_OnClicked (/)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbutton1 T)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbox1 T)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbutton2 T)
  (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113B_main_textbox2 T)



(prompt "\n Test_1113B ...  DoIt to run.")
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


Hi I've tested on:

Tower, Windows Vista Ultimate SP1, AutoCAD 2010, Bricscad Pro v10
Laptop, Windows XP SP3, AutoCAD 2007 and Bricscad Pro v10

All issues were replicated with one difference:-

On the Vista machine - SlideControl MouseDown Event doesnot show the textbox either, however when the mouse is hoverred over it, it appears and indeed the text has been added to it (unlike for the XP machine where the textbox remains blank).


Thanks Danner .. much appreciated.

Something I didn't realise :

After selecting a point on the SlideView control the X Y and sector textboxes do not update.
.. However, if I click in each of those TextBos controls, the text updates with the correct data.

... ... seems like a focus thing, but thats a really wild guess :)
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp

Fred Tomke

Hi, now with Alpha 13 I can reproduce it:

AMD Athlon XP 3200+, 1x2,2 GHz
2 GB of RAM
on MSI KT6 Delta-FISR (MS-6590 v2.0)
Windows XP DEU Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
ATI Radeon 7500 DDR using Windows Driver (uses no CCC!)
DirectX 9.0Visual Style (Theme)
tried with WindowsXp Silver

OpenDCL Runtime [] in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2998 German

5123.png = OpenDCL
A13.png = OpenDCL

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


It turns out that the slide control blithely draws outside its boundary, even taking a snapshot of the surrounding controls and repainting whatever was in the snapshot. That problem should now be fixed in Alpha 14. Everything else appears to be working as well in Alpha 14, so it's possible that the other issues either got incidentally fixed, or they just don't happen on my configuration.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Thanks Owen !

With Build

test_1113B project works as expected.   wheee !!

The Test60012b project ( with the TAB Control and 3 pages ) still does not work.
I'll try to post a better description of the issues.

Best Regards
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


When each tabPage is displayed, it is empty except for the TextBox outline.
The TextBox will only display completely after a Click at it's location,

The TextButton will only display after a MouseOver or Click at it's location.

The GraphicButtom will only display after a Click at it's location
OR after a click in the textBox
OR after a click in the textButton.


code is in the first Post.

The Video is set to run once. Refresh ( F5 ) the page to view again.
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


Quote from: Kerry Brown on November 23, 2009, 01:25:22 AM
The Test60012b project ( with the TAB Control and 3 pages ) still does not work.
I'll try to post a better description of the issues.

Yep, same problem for me on Vista. XP still fine. 

(Test_1113B working great on both)


whereas I have the issue on XP sp3 (don't use vista)
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp

Fred Tomke

Oh oh, do I have to change anything? It's getting worse in Alpha 14.
The bullet and the textbox appear only after mouseover. The textbox stays grey (although it should never be grey) and the picture box in the textbox is missing.

Picture Top: Stable release
Picture Bottom:

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


I've made some changes for Alpha 15 that might fix this (or make it worse!).
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft