What would it take to convert from object dcl to open dcl?

Started by Hypersonic, November 25, 2009, 03:52:56 AM

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Quote from: Hypersonic on November 26, 2009, 06:25:56 AM
Perhaps an issue with useing  ??  I tried adding a button and it showed up on the editor etc. but then it sort of wouldn't select etc.... Maybe I need the version you are using?  I am not sure that makes sense being as I am upgrading from objectDCL 3.x ??

Thanks, B.

You could try to see ... but as I mentioned there are a few issues for some of us with some of the controls ... mainly Tab control.

You may be better guided by Owen.
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


do you have .odcl's in more then 1 support path? maybe it's loading an older version.
Barry Ralphs


I will check, although I am explicitely telling it where to look.  I just tried created an entirely new dialog etc. and have the same problem - dead button.  I must be doing something wrong.  Do I need to download the run-time thing?  I thought I read it was inside the editor....?
Maybe I just have not installed everything I need to?
Thanks again!


I wonder if you're unintentionally loading the wrong lisp file. Like Kerry said, if you can attach the .odcl and .lsp along with instructions to reproduce the problem, I can check it here to see what's going on.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Note: lisp file is called debugging_tools, odcl file is debugging_test.odcl  - didn't want to overwrite the "non working" original...
Thank you for your help.... the dialog appears frozen on the screen when it pops up too.... maybe something to do with my "old" mechanical desktop??

Thanks, bob.
simple odcl file attached.

(defun c:testit () (c:debugging_tools)) 

(defun c:debugging_tools () 

(notify "in updated debugging_tools going to open debugging_test form.....")

(command "_OPENDCL")                                      ; ensure the ObjectDCL.arx file is loaded 

(setq project (strcat lsp_dir "debug/debugging_test.odcl"))

  (dcl_project_load project T)                              ;adding the T forces reload, i.e. for while makeing changes..... 

(dcl_Form_Show debugging_test_Form1)

  (princ "\n leaving debugging_tools ") 
)                                                           ;end defun 


(defun c:debugging_test_Form1_TextButton1_OnClicked (/)
  (dcl_MessageBox "To Do: code must be added to event handler\r\nc:debugging_test_Form1_TextButton1_OnClicked" "To do")


Your code works fine for me in AutoCAD 2004, so the problem is likely in the process somewhere. Have you tried loading the _masterdemo sample to see if it works as expected?
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


No, I have not tried the master demo, where could I find that?

Thanks, this is a real stumper!


Look in <Program Files>\OpenDCL Studio\Samples. Just drag and drop _Masterdemo.lsp into your AutoCAD document window.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


uninstalled everything, reinstalled. Master demo works greate, buttons function just fine.....

Mine= still no good....


Created a new dialog, trying to start with the basics,
made a routine to load the project and show a form.... that worked, and the form can be draged around the screen and the x in the upper right corner closes it..... as soon as I add a button to it, the form will open, but then it is locked up, won't move around and won't close with the x button..... but if will close with a form close button.

Any thoughts....


Are you loading any other this party applications? Are you possibly loading an older version of ObjectDCL that is interfering?
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


I renamed the directory of the old objectdcl_arx, and checked the appload to make sure it was not loaded......
I am not sure how else to check....

Here is what I have loaded.....

Loaded Runtime Extension Programs:

    acadm.arx  - MDI Aware.
    acadmmx.arx  - MDI Aware.
    acapp.arx  - MDI Aware.
    acbr16.dbx  - MDI Aware.
    acdblclkedit.arx  - MDI Aware.
    acdblclkeditpe.arx  - MDI Aware.
    acdim.arx  - MDI Aware.
    aceplotx.arx  - MDI Aware.
    acetlodr.arx  - MDI Aware.
    achapi16.dbx  - MDI Aware.
    achlnkui.arx  - MDI Aware.
    acidropmgr.arx  - MDI Aware.
    aclayerp.arx  - MDI Aware.
    acme.arx  - MDI Aware.
    acmsymbb.arx  - MDI Aware.
    acsign.arx  - MDI Aware.
    acspacetrans.arx  - MDI Aware.
    acstd.arx  - MDI Aware.
    actp.arx  - MDI Aware.
    ad.arx  - MDI Aware.
    am_asmui.arx  - MDI Aware.
Press ENTER to continue:
    amdt_attributes.arx  - MDI Aware.
    amdt_browser.arx  - MDI Aware.
    amdt_designer.arx  - MDI Aware.
    amdt_stdimp.arx  - MDI Aware.
    amdt_transmittal.arx  - MDI Aware.
    amg3.arx  - MDI Aware.
    amg3d2d.arx  - MDI Aware.
    amgdim.arx  - MDI Aware.
    amglay.arx  - MDI Aware.
    amgtitle.arx  - MDI Aware.
    amgutil.arx  - MDI Aware.
    appload.arx  - MDI Aware.
    asrf.arx  - MDI Aware.
    assembly.arx  - MDI Aware.
    cit.arx  - MDI Aware.
    desktop.arx  - MDI Aware.
    dm.arx  - MDI Aware.
    doslib16.arx  - MDI Aware.
    dxgui.arx  - MDI Aware.
    g3vace.arx  - MDI Aware.
    g3vamcmd.arx  - MDI Aware.
    ge_acad.arx  - MDI Aware.
    ge_load.arx  - MDI Aware.
Press ENTER to continue:
    genbh15.arx  - MDI Aware.
    grefacad.arx  - MDI Aware.
    grefad.arx  - MDI Aware.
    grefsurf.arx  - MDI Aware.
    ivcomp.arx  - MDI Aware.
    mapiad.arx  - MDI Aware.
    mapiam.arx  - MDI Aware.
    mapidm.arx  - MDI Aware.
    mapisurf.arx  - MDI Aware.
    mapisys.arx  - MDI Aware.
    mcadapi.arx  - MDI Aware.
    mcadcom.arx  - MDI Aware.
    oleaprot.arx  - MDI Aware.
    opendcl.16.arx  - MDI Aware.
    quikpik.16.arx  - MDI Aware.
    vl.arx  - MDI Aware.
    whohas.arx  - MDI Aware.
    wscommcntraccon.arx  - MDI Aware.


I think I got it! Quikpik has some "lock floating windows" functions. I turned off and the buttons began working... yooo hooo!

Thank you for all your help..... I will start more thorought testing later.

I really appreciate all you folks giving me a hand!

Best regards, Bob.


Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft