Newbie: Image library

Started by ScottBolton, December 03, 2009, 01:56:49 AM

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Hi, all.

This is my first post here - hopefully someone can help me:

In VBA I can place all my images in a single userform and reference them in other forms. This means that I can compile all the images into the .dvb rather than distributing them alongside the .dvb. Is this possible with OpenDCL?



Yes, In OpenDCL you put your images in the "image folder".  Press the toolbar button that looks like a camera to open the image folder in OpenDCL Studio.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft

Fred Tomke

Hi, and welcome aboard.

I'm afraid that it works completely different in OpenDCL. I will try to point out:

  • There is a project picture list in OpenDCL which can be used by different controls in all forms of this project file: forms (titlebar), picturebox. The name of the pictures may look like numbers (from 100 up) but they're actually names like in ressource dlls. If you delete an icon the "numbers" of the other icons won't be changed. The project picture list cannot be extended at runtime and I cannot exchange images at runtime. This can only be done in OpenDCL Studio. The images for TitlebarIcons cannot reference external icon files.
  • You can load external picture or icon files into a picture box at runtime. But this picture cannot be stored at the project file. This is not a limitation but a possibility to keep the pictures exchangable and to keep the project files small and fast.
  • Some controls have an internal picture list: tree, listview, grid, imagecombo. These controls cannot reference pictures from the project's picturelist They have their own picturelist. You cannot reference images from other control's picture list, and you cannot change the control's picture list at runtime. The names are used as integers for their position in the picture list. If you delete an icon the numbers of the following icons will be decremented automatically.

I hope it was a bit understandable.

[EDIT: ooops I haven't seen that Owen answered meanwhile]

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


Thank you, chaps.

I'm going to get stuck in now!