How is OpenDCL different from ObjectDCL ?

Started by Hypersonic, December 17, 2007, 04:05:36 PM

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I am new to what you have, glad to see it being carried on....
Can anyone give me the run down on the differences?

Thanks, Bob.


Welcome aboard, Bob. The major difference, of course, is that OpenDCL is free and open source. Every OpenDCL user is part of the development and testing team. I can't speak to functional differences as I'm not familiar with the revived ObjectDCL, but I believe they have an evaluation version that you can download.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Sorry I post to an old thread, I have only question, why doesn´t use DCL which is incorporated in Autocad a more attraktiv editor to create a template form.
I like more OpenDCL some beginners.

Regards Dirk

Fred Tomke

Hi, cadplayer which question shall we answer for you?
Regards, Fred
Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


Maybe stupid or superfluous if I was thinking than I begin with a DCLlanguage I compared DCL, OpenDCL and ObjectDCL. The first two are for free. ObjectDCL you have to pay a minimi budget.

In DCL looks like a template form as this example:

// Chain.dcl Draw Chains via Dialog
Chain : dialog {
  label = "Chain Options";
  : row {
    : column {
      : image_button {
         key = "Chn_ICON";
         height = 8;
//       width = 20;
         aspect_ratio = 1.50;
//    spacer_1;
    : column {
        : edit_box {
          label = "Chain Size";
          mnemonic = "S";
          key = "Chn_sz" ;
          edit_width = 8;
      : boxed_column {
        label = "Chain Type";
        : column {
          : row {
            : radio_button {
              label = "Heavy";
              mnemonic = "H";
              key = "Chn_H";
            : radio_button {
              label = "Medium";
              mnemonic = "M";
              key = "Chn_M";

But it´s little bit complicate to understand without any editor.
So I prefer OpenDCL, it´s more easier to use or I missed something?


Fred Tomke

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


cheers for answer. No help I needed...  ::)