ListView MultiColumns DragBegin

Started by toco1, June 26, 2010, 08:21:21 AM

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Version  OpenDCL Studio ENU with Acad2011
ListView problem

Test with OpenDCL Sample: MasterDemo -> DragNDrop.

Just a simple modification in DragNDrop.lsp ->

(defun c:DragNDrop_Form1_OnInitialize (/)
   (dcl_ListView_AddColumns DragNDrop_Form1_ListView1 (list "Column 1" 0 140))
   (dcl_ListView_FillList DragNDrop_Form1_ListView1
                               '(("List 1a" 0) ("List 2a" 1) ("List 3a" 2))
;---modification : add a new column
(defun c:DragNDrop_Form1_OnInitialize (/)
   (dcl_ListView_AddColumns DragNDrop_Form1_ListView1 (list "Column 1" 0 140))
   (dcl_ListView_AddColumns DragNDrop_Form1_ListView1 (list "Column 2" 1 140))
   (dcl_ListView_FillList DragNDrop_Form1_ListView1
                               '(("List 1a" 0 "col2 1a") ("List 2a" 1 "col2 2a") ("List 3a" 2 "col2 3a"))

No change in DragNDrop.odcl
DragnDropAllowBegin -> t
DragnDropAllowDrop  -> t

In the dialogBox:
Just one click on ListView Cell "List 1a" => "col2 1a" in the cell off column 2 disappears...
Is this a bug or a default setting ?


Technically this is working as designed, but only because it isn't a very robust design. I've changed the code for the next build to drag all columns of a multi-colum list. That change should make it behave the way you would expect (hopefully without any unwanted side effects).
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft

Fred Tomke

Quote from: owenwengerd on June 26, 2010, 06:44:29 PM
(hopefully without any unwanted side effects).

I will have an eye on that  ;)

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]