Public voting for the new OpenDCL Logo (Tiebreaker)

Started by BazzaCAD, January 20, 2008, 04:52:46 PM

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Pick your favorite design

1 (by BazzaCAD)
15 (39.5%)
2 (by jb)
23 (60.5%)

Total Members Voted: 37

Voting closed: January 22, 2008, 04:52:46 PM


Please choose your favorite design for the new OpenDCL Logo.
Remember the new design will be used as the main logo on the web site, a Desktop Icon, & the 16x16 Windows Explorer icon.
This is a Tiebreaker from the last round of voting.
Voting closes: January 22, 2008, 05:52:46 PM PST

132x32 16x16a 16x16b 16x16c
232x32 16x16a 16x16b 16x16c
Barry Ralphs

Jim Short

They both are good but we should be voting on what they look like at 16x16.
Jim Short


I agree about assessing the icons/logos at different sizes.  Option no. 1 looks great at its current size but will be difficult to translate well to 16x16.  Option 2 would probably translate more easily with less pixels but the text would probably need to be dropped. Making a logo/icon both graphic and legible at a tiny size is a new design exercise where every pixel counts and variations of the winning logo will need to be developed. 


OK I made a few small tweaks to design #1
Removed the Min & Max buttons
Made the DCL button a liter shade of gray & bigger.

I also added a 32x32 sized icon and 3 variations to each 16x16 icon design.
I like variation C best for both designs.
You should be voting on the overall design you like best as the 16x16 could be any variation of the larger design.
And if design #2 wins, JB might want to submit a few different variations on his 16x16 design.
Barry Ralphs


Howzabout Design 1 w/o the pencil?

It seems too "busy" to me...
& can't see the pencil @ 16x16 anyway

I voted for Design #2 first time around, but it seems not to reduce well.;(



Quote from: hermanm on January 20, 2008, 08:13:27 PM
Howzabout Design 1 w/o the pencil?

It seems too "busy" to me...
& can't see the pencil @ 16x16 anyway

I voted for Design #2 first time around, but it seems not to reduce well.;(


We'll probably use one of the 16x16 versions w/o the pencil.
You should be able to change your vote if you want to.
I think there's a "Remove vote" link, then you can vote again.
Barry Ralphs


Quote from: Jim Short on January 20, 2008, 05:07:17 PM
They both are good but we should be voting on what they look like at 16x16.
I like both c-versions the most.

Aleksandr Tkachenko

Paul G

I like No. 2, but it's going to blend in with XP's background color (which I didn't even think about until today).  If we made that design with a different color and with ODCL text in the middle of the big box, it might work better.  Otherwise, No. 1c would be fine.


I like the clean look of logo #2, but I agree with Paul G that the color "may" blend in with some user's desktop backgrounds.  I also like the 16x16c version of the logo, simple, yet identifiable in a sea of icons.  Yes, I already get grief about the 100+ icons on MY desktop :(  IMHO all of the 16x16 icons variations for logo #1 are a bit hard to read/discern.  I will gladly include a web link back to OpenDCL [on my projects] with this little blue 16x16c logo :)

Thanks for all of the graphic effort people have contributed!  I look forward to the continued development of this valuable tool and will work to incorporate it in my application solutions.


I voted for 2 but if it wins it would be nice to have a couple of differant colors availible so that it can be changed if needed. (to keep it from becoming part of the background)
Get below the surface......


I still vote for icon #2, but I also agree with TimSpangler that a second [user configurable??] color would be helpful.  Since many desktops lean toward blue, an orange [contrast] color might be a good option to have.


Quote from: nwgeo on January 22, 2008, 12:37:56 PM
I still vote for icon #2, but I also agree with TimSpangler that a second [user configurable??] color would be helpful.  Since many desktops lean toward blue, an orange [contrast] color might be a good option to have.

Icons are not designed to be user configurable, so there isn't really any way to do that for most uses of the icon.  The icon should also be easily and universally recognizable, which means you want the same color scheme in all instances of the icon. I'm concerned that you guys won't be happy with #2, but unless #1 makes a late comeback it's looking like #2 will win.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Congratulations to JB for winning the OpenDCL logo design contest.
Barry Ralphs


Wow, that was a close one!  Great job Barry and everyone who entered.  The competition was tough; just look how close the voting was.  Thankyou everyone for your support.  Allow me some time to come up with some better reading smaller icons.  I've been pretty sick lately but I think I'll have some time - maybe over the weekend. 

Again, thankyou for allowing me to contribute in some very small way.  Owen, you da man.  ;)
James Buzbee
Managing Memeber
Black Horse Development, LLC