Grid splitter

Started by vladgothe, August 19, 2012, 11:46:49 PM

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In my main form, I implemented a grid, because it is much flexible. The grid is wider than the main form and automatically has an horizontal splitter, so if I want to edit the last cells from the grid I must move the splitter towards right. But when I try to edit these cells, the splitter automatically moves to its default location, the edit cursor is active, but its position is in another cell. When I finish editing though, the text goes to it's correct position. Is there any method to stop the splitter moving automatically?


Do you mean "scroll bar" or "splitter"? Can you attach a simple example that I can use to reproduce the problem?
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


I meant "scroll bar", sorry for ambiguity. I solved the problem by making the grid shorter, so the scroll bar does not appear anymore. I observed that when I use dcl_Grid_SetCellStyle and the style is 18 (Dropdown list), the runtime crashes, so I am forced to use Dropdown combo lists (36). It's a bug that was submitted, but in my build (, AutoCAD 2007 and Windows 7 64 bit, it's still there.


It would be great if you could attach simple examples for both bugs so that I can fix them for the next build.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Here, I made a simple example with a grid. The bug with the scroll bar occurs only when grid's width is large. But you will observe it if you try to edit the last cell from the right multiple times. In AutoCAD 2013 and 2007, when I try to edit the droplist from the second column, it crashes. Best regards.


I was able to reproduce the unwanted scrolling, and I will investigate that. I could not reproduce the dropdown crash. Are you using the latest build of OpenDCL?
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


I use the version of the runtime and studio, in AutoCAD 2007 and Windows 7 64 bit. In AutoCAD 2007, it doesn't crash when I try to change an item from the list the first time, it crashes the second time when I make the change. In AutoCAD 2013, it crashes the first time when I try to change an item in the list. Also, in the grid, I don't want to use visual style in my droplists (that grey is ugly), but I couldn't find out how to set the visual style of a droplist in a grid.
I don't know if I have the latest build of the runtime, but I downloaded it aprox. a week ago.


I've fixed the unwanted scrolling problem for the next build. I have not been able to reproduce the dropdown crash, so I may need more information or more detailed steps to reproduce it. Are you able to reproduce that one on a different computer?

There is no way to change the visual style or other properties of the grid dropdown edit control.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


After I uninstalled and then reinstalled an add-on for AutoCAD, now, when I use dropdown lists, it doesn't crash anymore. Now, my program acts like it should.


After some use, sometimes the program still crashes. Here is the error message in AutoCAD 2007, if it helps:
Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
  Application Name:   acad.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:   440acd95
  Fault Module Name:   USER32.dll
  Fault Module Version:   6.1.7601.17514
  Fault Module Timestamp:   4ce7ba59
  Exception Code:   c0000005
  Exception Offset:   0001613f
  OS Version:   6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:   1033
  Additional Information 1:   ef1a
  Additional Information 2:   ef1a5c26c968aa33f0b7c9bb536b7677
  Additional Information 3:   86d3
  Additional Information 4:   86d34300ce0416eff22ea82cefa0d682

And here is the error message in AutoCAD 2013:
Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
  Application Name:   acad.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:   4f309abd
  Fault Module Name:   kernel32.dll
  Fault Module Version:   6.1.7601.17651
  Fault Module Timestamp:   4e21213b
  Exception Code:   c0000005
  Exception Offset:   0000000000002e95
  OS Version:   6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:   1033
  Additional Information 1:   878d
  Additional Information 2:   878da497071cdefdaf9a4a7b9b9ea43a
  Additional Information 3:   c82c
  Additional Information 4:   c82ca074f059887d8ef914d4ec4b9b52
If it crashes once, even if I restart AutoCAD and reload the program, it crashes everytime from then on.


I need detailed instructions on what you do when the crash occurs, including timing. If it's difficult to describe with sufficient detail, a screen capture video would be helpful as well.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft