Install error with

Started by honkinberry, June 27, 2018, 04:33:15 PM

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We have the Runtime MSI installing as a chained msi.
This has worked fine, but suddenly with, we are getting errors if we do not launch the msi as an administrator.
Launching the msi works fine.  Any ideas?



Nothing changed in the source code or build commands. It's possible some build tool update could result in different generated output files, but I think that's unlikely.

Note that if you're including the runtime in your own installer, you should be using the runtime merge module (.msm) instead of the .msi. Have you tried that?
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Oh wait, I know what it is. I usually re-sign the files with my own Authenticode key before uploading, but this time I forgot. I'll sign and re-upload now.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


That did it!
Thank you!

As for msi vs msm -- the real problem is when a new version of AutoCAD comes out, and if OpenDCL was installed via an MSM, that means they would need to remove and reinstall our installer.  So it just really adds to the complexity of our installer, so that it can be removed without accidentally removing any other key files, and so on.  Instead, with the database ODBC driver, and the OpenDCL Runtime, both as just chained MSI's, the whole thing behaves a lot better, and is much easier to remove/reinstall just a desired component.
