Creating an Installer with Inno Setup tutorial now online

Started by BazzaCAD, April 16, 2009, 01:45:16 PM

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Quote from: kenkrupa on June 23, 2011, 07:44:49 PM
Thanks guys. Fred, your suggestion of checking solar panel if the runtime is still installed seems like a worthwhile idea. But how to do that? I see that we could be looking for any one of several .arx files, depending on acad version and platform. And it wouldn't get loaded until the OPENDCL command either works or fails. I suppose I could use vl-cmdf instead of command, and then test for one of the odcl functions. Did you have something simpler in mind?

Yes the tutorial was extremely beneficial.. I just was able to create installer with this and it worked nice.


I made the installation package for my application with InnoSetup.
It seems to work fine, but today I noticed a problem:

1 I install AutoCAD 2014
2 I install my application: everything ok, OpenDCL is loaded correctly.

3 After I install AutoCAD 2015
4. reinstall my application: in this case in AutoCAD 2015 OpenDCL is not loaded.

It seems that the installation package when run 2 or more times that verifies "OpenDCL.Runtime." is already installed, so not proceed with a new installation and then do not look for new cad.

Can you help me solve this problem?

Here is an excerpt of the code used

Code (autolisp) Select

AppVerName=TEST R8.0.0

Source: OpenDCL.Runtime.; DestDir: {app}; Permissions: users-full; Flags: ignoreversion

Filename: msiexec.exe; Parameters: "/i ""{app}\OpenDCL.Runtime."" /qn"; StatusMsg: Installation OpenDCL ...

Thank you


Simply installing again should trigger a repair, which should configure AutoCAD 2015 in that case. Can you repeat the test, but see if a manual repair works as expected? Also, please test the latest in case there was a problem with the installer only in
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Quote from: owenwengerd on September 04, 2014, 07:51:19 AM
Simply installing again should trigger a repair, which should configure AutoCAD 2015 in that case. Can you repeat the test, but see if a manual repair works as expected? Also, please test the latest in case there was a problem with the installer only in

The user did exactly what you said and it solved the problem.
However, when he tried to install several times my application, the problem has never been solved.
So I think that the InnoSetup project is set to not reinstall OpenDCL.Runtime., when it is already installed in the system.

Unfortunately, now I can not do the test, and I have to trust what he says my client.
Next week I will be more precise.