MOVE (drag&drop) an item from a tree control to another one

Started by domenicomaria, March 12, 2024, 09:15:26 PM

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If I drag an item from the tree-00  control to the tree-01 control,
the source item is removed from the source tree
but nothing happens in the target tree ...

what is the trick to MOVE an item from a tree to another one ?

i am not able to know what is the item of the target tree where the source item is dropped ...

what have I to do ?


and I need also to move an item in the same tree control from a position to another (always with drag&drop)

I am trying to use
dragoverfromcontrol and dcl-Tree-AddSibling
without success

I would need an example


I believe the Drag N Drop sample shows drag/drop in a single tree control, and also between tree and list controls.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Quote from: owenwengerd on March 13, 2024, 09:18:16 PMI believe the Drag N Drop sample shows drag/drop in a single tree control, and also between tree and list controls.

Thanks for the reply.

But with drag&drop I can't MOVE an element from one TREE control to another

And I can't even MOVE an item from one location to another in the same control.


It is working fine for me in BricsCAD V24. I don't know why it isn't working for you.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


I tried your sample TREE.lsp
also in acad2024
and it is not possible using drag&drop
to MOVE an item from a tree control to another
and in the same tree, from a position to another ...