Translator Phase1

Started by Aleksandr Tkachenko, December 08, 2008, 02:17:11 AM

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Aleksandr Tkachenko


Thanks, but you should hold off on doing any more translation until further instructions:
Barry Ralphs


I have read the translation and I have a few comments,
such as "рисунок(image)" - AutoCAD
"image" do artists, but usually do AutoCAD "чертеж(drawing)"
in some places unnecessary, " and where they are absent, etc.
There are still issues in their inaccuracy but I'm not sure

Я почитал перевод и у меня есть несколько замечаний,
например "рисунок" - AutoCAD
рисунки делают художники, а в AutoCAD обычно делают чертежи
в некоторых местах лишние " , а где то они отсутствуют и т.д.
Есть еще вопросы но в их неточности я не уверен

Aleksandr Tkachenko

Прочитал твои изменения согласен с поправками ;)!
что касается перевода \Content\Reference\, переводил только Control но час пока нет доступа к компьютеру на котором оставил перевод может будит в понедельник.


Thanks guys, Beta 5 will include a russian version of the MSI files.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Привет, я живу в России и давно пользуюсь OpenDCL. Хочу помочь с переводом на русский язык, так так давно заметил несколько орфографических ошибок и других неточностей в существуем переводе, которые не были исправлены и переходят от версии к версии. Также в текущем переводе допущены пробелы в именах вызываемых lisp фунцкий, что недопустимо и приводит к необходимости каждый раз исправлять в студии имя вызываемой функции.
Возьму за основу файлы из сборки Если я правильно понял, нужные файлы это Runtime.RUS.rc и SharedRes.RUS.rc или есть еще какие-то?

Hi, I live in Russia and I use OpenDCL for a long time. I want to help with translation into Russian, because noticed a few spelling errors and other inaccuracies in current translation which existing so long time and have not been corrected and moving from version to version. Also in current translation there are "spaces" made in lisp function names, which are unacceptable and leads to the need to correct them each time in the studio.
I'll take files from version If I understand correctly, I need to translate Runtime.RUS.rc and SharedRes.RUS.rc files or are there any others?


It would be great if you could make those corrections. Everything you need is here. Currently only the Phase 1 is completed, but if you are able, you may continue with Phase 2 and Phase 3. Just email the modified files to me ( for inclusion in the next build. Thank you!
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


I've sent phases 1 and 3 to ( Phase 2 will be done some later.


I think there is a bug in Studio made by previous translation (but maybe something else) - when I click on "object browser" on properties pane with any control selected just nothing happens. It seems like there is no function for this button (wrong function name)?


You are correct. In Studio.RUS.rc the symbol IDD_OBJECTBROWSER should be IDD_CONTROLBROWSER. I have now fixed this for the next build.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


I've done with translation of phase 2 into russian, files are sent by e-mail. I just didn't translated names of properties, events etc. in Reference folder. There are too many descriptions so I will try to deal with them some later. Also I think it's appropriate to write myself to "localization managers"? :)


Thanks, I will incorporate the new files. Yes, you are now the unofficial Russian language localization manager. I will ask Barry Ralphs to make it official.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


OK nick9111 is now a language localization manager and the moderator of this board.
Barry Ralphs


Hi, it looks like you didn't replace some files in (SharedRes.RUS, Studio.RUS). I see untranslated menus and other srtings in Studio, and object browser still does not work. Also I've made changes to OpenDCL.hhc with Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop, but in Studio's help main tree fonts are corrupted (used different encoding?).


Thanks, I will investigate. There is a script I use to update not-yet-localized files in other languages when the corresponding ENU file is changed. It's possible that script did not get updated properly, which would result in your localized files being overwritten when I run the script to refresh non-ENU files.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft