SlideView SetHighlight Problem

Started by maweilian, February 10, 2009, 09:26:11 AM

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To all:

I have a block library application I am working on where I need to select a block name in a listbox and have it highlight a slideview control.  Here is a screenshot of the dialog box.

The dialog has a series of 12 slides. Selecting a block name from the "block name" list box should highlight one of the 12 slides.  From my understanding of the OpenDCL Help file, this code:
(defun c:partlibmain_PartLibMain_ListBox1_OnSelChanged (ItemIndex Value /)
  (dcl_SlideView_SetHighlight partlibmain_PartLibMain_Slide2 1)

should result in the 2nd slide being highlighted in red.  But it is not working. What could I be doing incorrect?

I have attached the ODCL and LSP files for your review.



This is a bug, now fixed for Beta 7.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Great!  I will wait for Beta 7 then.  When will that be available for download?



I will probably upload Beta 7 sometime this weekend.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft