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when using "dcl-ImageList-SetAt" to add multiple images to the control imagelist it takes too long (around 6~7 seconds for 100 images).
while creating an imagelist through a .Net C# code for the same number of images takes no time.
how to work around this problem.and is there a way to pass the control imagelist to a .Net C# code to process adding/removing images from the imagelist using .Net C# code?
i tried to pass the Ename Handels to an C# code but it failed to read the passed Ename.

thank you for Helping
Runtime/AutoLISP / Opendcl Grid Multiple Rows Sel...
Last post by Mostafa AbdelBaset - February 11, 2025, 03:49:04 AM
does Opendcl Grid support Multiple Rows Selection?
I can't find any option to set the multiple selection to true or false.
it will be very handy if it's has this option.

Runtime/AutoLISP / How to run/call commands in Mo...
Last post by Eddiefromdc - January 16, 2025, 07:17:50 PM
I'm trying to achieve a simple "layer walk" like routine but with a list of selected/desired layers.
It works good for me on Modeless form with a grid control, SelChanged event. Here is a partial code.

(defun c:ChkDwg_ChkDwg_Grid1#OnSelChanged (Row Column / sSelText)
(setq LayName (Dcl_Grid_GetCurSel ChkDwg_ChkDwg_Grid1))
(setq rowinfo (Dcl_Grid_GetRowItems ChkDwg_ChkDwg_Grid1 (car LayName)))
(setq sSelText (nth 0 rowinfo))
(command "layer" "off" "*" "" "")
(command "layer" "on" sSeltext "")
(command "layer" "s" sSelText "")
(command "layer" "off" "*" "" "")

But I'm afraid with a Modeless form I might forget to close it before I open another drawing
or if I switch to an open drawing.

So, I think a Modal form works better for me. But I can't make it work. Please look at this code.

(defun c:ChkDwg_ChkDwg_Grid1#OnSelChanged (Row Column / sSelText)
(setq LayName (Dcl_Grid_GetCurSel ChkDwg_ChkDwg_Grid1))
(setq rowinfo (Dcl_Grid_GetRowItems ChkDwg_ChkDwg_Grid1 (car LayName)))
(setq sSelText (nth 0 rowinfo))
(dcl-SendString "-layer off *  ")
(dcl-SendString "-layer on sSeltext *  ")
(dcl-SendString "-layer s sSeltext *  ")
(dcl-SendString "-layer off *  ")

Any help would be appreciated.
Runtime/AutoLISP / Problems with OpenDCL in Autoc...
Last post by caduser2025 - January 07, 2025, 09:44:24 AM
I regularly use the Customize tool to prepare drawings for my daily work. Previously, it worked fine, and the dialog box would pop up as expected. However, after returning from the holiday, the customize command no longer works, and the dialog box fails to appear.

When I run the command, the following appears on the command line:
"Command: (load "scale2")
OpenDCL Runtime [] loaded
Command: scale2-scx

I have installed the latest version of OpenDCL, but the issue persists. Any suggestions on how to resolve this?

Deployment / Re: Getting OpenDCL Runtime pa...
Last post by tahtuam - October 30, 2024, 02:26:35 PM
Thanks Owen!

That's about what I expected and I made that clear to our middle man between us designers and IT security, but they still pushed me to ask the question.

I'm happy to go back to them and say they need to do their own analysis.

Thanks mate, appreciate your time.
Deployment / Re: Getting OpenDCL Runtime pa...
Last post by owenwengerd - October 30, 2024, 01:40:21 PM
I'm afraid there is no formal answer to the questions, and answers from a user forum surely won't satisfy your IT administrators. The only technical document would be the Help documentation that is included with the software. I think your best bet is to explain that it is open source, so all of the code is available for analysis, and even to build the binaries locally. I wish you luck.
Deployment / Getting OpenDCL Runtime past I...
Last post by tahtuam - October 29, 2024, 04:30:24 PM
Hello all!

I have used OpenDCL to create some LISP routines for AutoCAD in my somewhat major organisation and am currently trying to roll it out to my team. The way out systems are set up we cannot install anything ourselves. IT must remote log on and install.

I've trialed it with a few members of my design team and IT were successfully able to install the runtime on their computers (and everything worked perfectly!), however one member of IT staff has now said we cannot continue until OpenDCL runtime is properly vetted by IT security.

They have asked a few questions that I do not know the answers for as below:
1. Does OpenDCL Runtime interact with the operating system of the PC?
2. Does it interact with any internal systems? (I dont expect anyone here to know that.)
3. Does it have any other communication like file server as part of the use case?

As well as the above, they have asked for some sort of technical document on what exactly the runtime does.

I've been given a date of 21st November to roll out the routines so I'm hoping someone here can assist before then? If not I'll have to send it back to security and get them to work it out but who knows how long they'll take.

Thanks all!
Source Code / Re: Slow load of project to au...
Last post by owenwengerd - September 26, 2024, 11:14:35 AM
There were some reason performance and resource leak fixes, so I guess those fixes resolved the problem you encountered.
Source Code / Re: Slow load of project to au...
Last post by Mostafa AbdelBaset - September 26, 2024, 03:32:39 AM
i use autocad 2022 and 2023 and both face the same problem.
the problem solved when i updated from opendcl version 9.2.03 to
i didn't update to the version as i have no admin rights on my PC to install it right now.may be i will check later when i update to this version

this is the function i used to calculate the load project/show form time

(defun c:test ( / tmlst)
(defun timer ( / rTimeDiff)
; Check to see if the function was previously called
(if (= *g-timer-start-time* nil)
; Stores the current milliseconds
(setq *g-timer-start-time* (getvar "MILLISECS"))
; Calculates and returns the time difference
(setq rTimeDiff (- (getvar "MILLISECS") *g-timer-start-time*)
*g-timer-start-time* nil)

(repeat 100
(dcl_Project_Load "findreplace" T)
(dcl_Form_Show findreplace_findreplace)
(setq tmlst (cons (timer) tmlst))
(dcl-Form-Close findreplace/findreplace 1)
(command "_.delay" 200) ; take a break time after each load


Source Code / Re: Slow load of project to au...
Last post by owenwengerd - September 25, 2024, 06:43:10 PM
Are you testing with the latest development build of OpenDCL Runtime? Which version of Acad? Can you attach the form and code you used to obtain these results?