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Runtime/AutoLISP / DragnDrop on PictureBox
Last post by pawlix - August 01, 2024, 07:44:52 AM
Hi guys,
I wonder how to code the takeover file path when I dragndropfromother txt file on my PictureBox.
Can someone help me?
Runtime/AutoLISP / Re: OnKeyUp event
Last post by pawlix - July 30, 2024, 09:21:26 AM
It does nothing. I just want that if I release SpaceBar then alert popup. Nothing else.
Do I need to do something more then just put that in my lisp code?
Obviusly keyup event is checked in opendcl project

I think I handle it, but I have got more questions about it.
How to code it for Delete key?
Where and how should I put Flags?

I got it all. Thanks for your replay @owenwengerd, it was helpful. We can close the topic.
Runtime/AutoLISP / Re: OnKeyUp event
Last post by owenwengerd - July 30, 2024, 09:16:00 AM
Try this:
(defun c:project/Form4/ListView1#OnKeyUp (Character RepeatCount Flags /)
  (if (= Character " ") (alert "SPACEBAR was released"))
Runtime/AutoLISP / OnKeyUp event
Last post by pawlix - July 30, 2024, 09:04:53 AM
Hello guys!
I'm kinda new in this world, could someone help me with OnKeyUp event?
I would love to use it in my ListView by pressing SpaceBar but I have no clue how to do that becouse of those Characters and Flags :/
Currently my code seems like this:
Quote(defun c:project/Form4/ListView1#OnKeyUp (Character RepeatCount Flags /)
  (setq Character "SpaceBar")
  (setq RepeatCount 0)
  (setq Flags 0)
  (alert "OK")

Can someone help me?
Runtime/AutoLISP / Re: Set ButtonToolTips for Opt...
Last post by ScottBolton - July 25, 2024, 02:10:27 AM
This still appears to not work. Hardcoding the list in Studio works; assigning in lisp doesn't.

(dcl-Control-GetButtonToolTipList executed later in the lisp returns the desired list)
Runtime/AutoLISP / Re: OpenDCL for BricsCAD beta
Last post by owenwengerd - July 15, 2024, 04:21:24 PM
I don't want to bother with a public release for a beta build, because it will become invalid in the next beta coming in a few weeks. However, I have built a V25 beta 1 runtime module locally, and I can share a download link via email, PM, or at a Bricsys support ticket.
Runtime/AutoLISP / OpenDCL for BricsCAD beta
Last post by Emiliano - July 15, 2024, 07:22:51 AM
the latest version of OpenDCL runtime is compatible with the latest available beta of BricsCAD.
I can't find the OpenDCL system requirements page, has it been removed?

Thanks in advance!
Runtime/AutoLISP / Re: Help keep OpenDCL moving f...
Last post by owenwengerd - July 03, 2024, 08:32:44 PM
For those with a US bank, an old-fashioned mailed bank check works fine for me (contact info is on the ManuSoft web site, and make sure you note somewhere that it is an OpenDCL donation) if you want to go that route. For that matter, Zelle would work as well.
Runtime/AutoLISP / Re: Help keep OpenDCL moving f...
Last post by DW - July 03, 2024, 06:52:12 PM
Quote from: kenkrupa on July 01, 2024, 09:08:59 AMI tried following the above and got nowhere. I get no check box for I know their bank details. So I enter and Owen Wengerd, which is all I know (there is no Language entry). When I click Confirm, it insists I enter all the other info. Jeez - I would really like to donate! (from USA)

Try the second set of instructions in my earlier post and use a desktop browser.
My last transfer was a bit frustrating with the mobile app not behaving as the online help said it should.

I've found getting in touch with WISE support on the phone is straightforward. It shouldn't be so difficult  to transfer funds - good luck!   
Runtime/AutoLISP / Re: Help keep OpenDCL moving f...
Last post by owenwengerd - July 01, 2024, 12:05:19 PM
I wish it wasn't so complicated to make simple donations. I can say that I had no problem accepting the previous donations sent through WISE, but I'm afraid I have no information about the steps for sending. Regardless, I appreciate all the efforts. Thank you!