[SOLVED] - Error with runtime ?

Started by stephan_35, April 23, 2009, 04:54:57 AM

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Hello ,

I'm back, and i tried the newer 5.x opendcl arx .

I can't load arx from autocad, ask me to re-install open dcl runtime ....

I don't really know how to find what's wrong ...  :'(

Thanks for help.
OpenDCL / Editor  / Vista 32 Bits
Development of  specific tools for trades in AutoLisp - php - sql


Which MSI file did you install, the Studio or Runtime?  What exactly do you mean by "load arx"?  What is the error message?
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Quote from: owenwengerd on April 23, 2009, 07:04:14 AM
Which MSI file did you install, the Studio or Runtime?  What exactly do you mean by "load arx"?  What is the error message?


here is the message :
QuoteThe OpenDCL local language resource module was not found or could not be loaded.
OpenDCL cannot continue.
Please reinstall OpenDCL Runtime to correct the problem.

Arx opendcl were downloaded from runtime.msi (

Here is my lisp for launch:
Code (autolisp) Select

(defun ObjectDCL_LoadArx ()
(setq $version_arx (strcat "OpenDCL"
      (setq proc_arch (getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"))
      (< 1 (strlen proc_arch))
      (eq "64" (substr proc_arch (1- (strlen proc_arch))))
  (substr (getvar "acadver") 1 2)
  (if (member $version_arx (arx))
      (arxunload $version_arx)
   (if (not (member $version_arx (arx)))
      (arxload $version_arx "ObjectDCL.arx not found.")
(if (not $version_arx)(ObjectDCL_LoadArx))

Same message with FRA ou ENU opendcl editor (, but maybe not depend of editor , because message appear when lisp try to load OpenDCL.arx  ???

Thanks for reply.
OpenDCL / Editor  / Vista 32 Bits
Development of  specific tools for trades in AutoLisp - php - sql


Did you move the arx to a network location?
Barry Ralphs


Quote from: stephan_35 on April 23, 2009, 07:17:49 AM
here is the message :
QuoteThe OpenDCL local language resource module was not found or could not be loaded.
OpenDCL cannot continue.
Please reinstall OpenDCL Runtime to correct the problem.

This means that the local language resource module is missing. Most likely you moved the .arx file to a different location, and forgot to move the resource folders with it. It is best to leave everything installed in its original location and load the .arx with the OPENDCL command.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Quote from: BazzaCAD on April 23, 2009, 11:51:41 AM
Did you move the arx to a network location?

Not at all !

I only move the arx files into the path of my soft path on the local drive.

OpenDCL / Editor  / Vista 32 Bits
Development of  specific tools for trades in AutoLisp - php - sql


Quote from: owenwengerd on April 23, 2009, 12:03:51 PM

This means that the local language resource module is missing. Most likely you moved the .arx file to a different location, and forgot to move the resource folders with it. It is best to leave everything installed in its original location and load the .arx with the OPENDCL command.

Ok !

I move also local language folders (FRA/ENU/...) into my new local path .

OpenDCL works fine now.

Thanks !
OpenDCL / Editor  / Vista 32 Bits
Development of  specific tools for trades in AutoLisp - php - sql