Resolution of arcs in Block View

Started by copter, June 18, 2009, 09:09:30 AM

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I attached one sreen shot including a control DWGPreview and one with a control BlockView.
We can see a very bad resolution for arcs on the 2nd screen shot. Is it possible to increase the resolution ?
Or maybe something is wrong in the dwg ? ... (attached)
Thanks for your help.

Fred Tomke

Hi, copter,

I don't believe that it is a matter of dwg.

Try another setting of rendermode of the blockview.
Disable hardware acceleration (I don't know the english word for it) in the _3dconfig command.

Both ways end up with better results for me.

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


Hi Fred

I tried all the render modes: Result is the same.

I changed few parameters in 3DConfig without any changes.


Fred Tomke

Hm, quite interesting. I tried your block in 2 different AutoCAD releases: DWG-Preview gives the same result in both releases. But the blockview result looks much better in Map 2010 as in Civil 2009... Which AutoCAD release are you using?


[EDIT] The last screenshot shows the new driver "Autodesk" of Map 2010 - maybe it's the key?
Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


Hi Fred
My previous screen shots was under R2009 single.
I tried under R2010. (Image attached) Things are better but not the best that I could hope.
I changed settings in 3DConfig, under R2009 and R2010,  but without any effect.
Monday, I will make some new test on others workstations.
I am using blockview rather than dwgpreview because the blocks are part of a big librairy where dwg files are modified with ObjectDBX, and, du to the ObjectDBX 'saveas method, the preview is lost...




If this would be in the dwg itself  i would say, try the viewres sysvar. set it higher. But i don't know if that helps in a preview as well....

Dell Precision M6400
XP SP3 Acad2006/2007


I made several investigations on different work stations,  I can understand now what happens.
The resolution depends on the zoom factor of the current drawing.
I am not speaking about the block but the drawing where you launch the form.
There is nothing to see with the 3D configs options, Civil3D or not, driver X or Y ...
The 2 following screen shots have been done on the same drawing:
The 1st one with a zoom extend, the 2nd one with a 20xp zoom. (Anywhere on the drawing)

I thing that is likely a bug, because the display of a block view should not depend of the current zoom of the drawing...
Any suggestions ?


Dell Precision M6400
XP SP3 Acad2006/2007


Quote from: copter on June 22, 2009, 02:39:44 AM
I made several investigations on different work stations,  I can understand now what happens.
The resolution depends on the zoom factor of the current drawing.
I am not speaking about the block but the drawing where you launch the form.
There is nothing to see with the 3D configs options, Civil3D or not, driver X or Y ...
The 2 following screen shots have been done on the same drawing:
The 1st one with a zoom extend, the 2nd one with a 20xp zoom. (Anywhere on the drawing)

I thing that is likely a bug, because the display of a block view should not depend of the current zoom of the drawing...
Any suggestions ?

Can you post a small sample code showing this?
Barry Ralphs


In order to reproduce this behaviour:

- Open Test.dwg
- Load Test.lsp
- Type "Test"

(Tested with R2009,R2010 and Civil3D-2009)



This should now be fixed for Beta 7.

For some reason, the block view code was using parameters from the active drawing viewport to initialize the block view control. I have removed that code and it now uses a standard plan view as the initial view. This appears to have fixed the tessellation problem in my tests.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Thanks Owen
I thought that I was the only one to see the problem!


Hello Owen

This is not yet fixed. (I tried with
I attached again the test files.
When you will fixe it , would it be possible to update both 5.1 and 6.0 ?
Thanks for your help


I am able to reproduce the problem in AutoCAD 2007, but I can't find any way to change the tesselation tolerance. Please report this as a bug so that I can revisit it in the future.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft