Fatal Error 2010

Started by jbuzbee, April 04, 2014, 12:10:21 PM

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I would start adding things one small piece at a time until the error returns, then back up and keep adding smaller chunks until the error returns again, and so on until hopefully you've narrowed it down to a specific line of code.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft



Well I'm on another system (the other was temp) and everything seems to be operating fine.  Windows 8, AutoCAD 2014, Dell Server


Thanks for following up. So far there haven't been any other similar reports, so maybe it was just a hiccup in that particular setup. Please let us know if you see the error crop up again.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Well I've found the culprit but it's a pretty intense routine: a Block Manager. See attached

Thanks, jb


What is the relationship of this code with the call to (dcl_Tree-Clear) in your OnDocActivated event? In any case, I'd like to have a stripped down sample, ideally at a bare minimum so that removing anything at all makes the problem go away. At the very least, I need all registry access removed so I can test on my development system. Also, it wouldn't hurt to reiterate the exact steps I need to perform in order to reproduce the fatal error.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Attached is a stripped down version - Thanks for any help


What are the steps to reproduce the crash? I have a feeling your issue is related to this one.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Yes that sounds very similar.  With the kbBlockManager docked on the left side of the screen, open several drawings.  Upon closing the drawings, usually with the first one - but not always - fatal error.

command "kbBlockManager"

AutoCAD 2015 Win 8 64 bit



I've made some changes for the next build of OpenDCL that I think will fix this crash issue. I don't have a timetable yet, but please test and report back when the next build is released.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Thank you Owen - will do!




Well I decided to fix the problem by moving from a palette form (always opened) to a modeless form.  The modeless form is closed at the end of several operations so there is no possibility of the fatal error when documents are opened and closed.  Works for me.
