Problem with Opendcl command (BricsCAD V16)

Started by roy_043, May 16, 2017, 11:59:09 AM

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I have stumbled on a strange problem with the Opendcl command.

In the following scenario OpenDCL will not load properly.

OpenDCL is loaded when the drawing is opened. Either through an .mnl file or the on_doc_load.lsp file:
Code (autolisp) Select
(vl-cmdf "_Opendcl")
(print dcl-GetVersion)

The drawing contains a missing Xref and the warning message dialog displays:
Code (autolisp) Select
The dialog is displayed above the drawing area and the user hits the OK button. OpenDCL seems to load just fine but (print dcl-GetVersion) returns nil. The problem does not occur if the user presses the Enter key or if the dialog is moved off the drawing area before clicking the OK button (strange...).

How can I work around this?