Can a previous version of ACAD open .odcl developed with the last version?

Started by afjimenezc, April 16, 2020, 11:26:19 PM

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Hello, I have created a Dialog Box with the last version of OPENDCL ( I made the codding for AutoCAD 2020 and it has not problem running, but when I fixed the code for the arx for AutoCAD 2013 (loading opendcl.x64.19.arx) using the same .odcl file, the project cannot be loaded. Should I do the Dialog box in OPENDCL V7.0 if i want to assure compatibility with ACAD 2013 and 2020?

There is some different syntax in the functions for the different arx. For example:

ACAD 2020 arx ---> (dcl-Project-Load "STDB" T)
ACAD 2013 arx ---> (dcl_Project_Load "STDB" T)

The Paths for the files are already in ACAD search paths.

Thanks in advance.


You should be using the same version of OpenDCL Runtime, the same .odcl file(s), and the same .lsp file(s) on all supported AutoCAD versions including AutoCAD 2013 and AutoCAD 2020.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Thank you very much Owen!, I didn't have the opendcl.x64.19.arx file corresponding with the last version of the OpenDCL Runtime.